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Digital Marketing

Smart buildings are creating smart cities

A Smart City and the Smart Buildings it contains are not a marketing campaign, a clever sales pitch or a funny political slogan. It is a series of solutions to a serious and urgent situation facing the world today. Smart…

Scrum Retrospective

When the sprint ends in Scrum, it is time for the team to present their work to the Product Owner for approval. This process is known as the sprint review meeting. In this meeting, the Product Owner reviews the stories…

Does video marketing have to cost you a lot of money?

Let’s get one thing straight. One of the main reasons your competitors probably haven’t jumped on video marketing is because of their fear of cost. Please understand that the reason they are not producing one marketing video after another is…

Digital Marketing

The Big Five Digital Agencies of 2019

Big Five Digital Agencies of 2019 In 2019, digital marketing agencies continue to expand and adapt to keep up with industry trends. The shift in advertising dollars toward digital, along with an increase in the number of consumers using the…

A brief history of CRM and why small businesses should use it

Today’s consumers are more value conscious, price driven and much, much more demanding than in the past. Most companies have realized that it is more efficient and profitable to keep old customers than to win new ones. This has given…

Top 10 Things Every Bestselling Book Should Have

If you talk to any author, they will tell you that writing their book was the easiest part, compared to marketing it and getting people to buy it! You can go to any bookstore and get a book on how…

What is responsible travel?

“I take the meaning of our life these days in a global neighborhood very seriously. And the first thing to do in such circumstances, and one of the most rewarding things, is to go meet the neighbors, find out who…

Online Fundraising Tips

If you plan to have a fundraiser, it is advisable to consider writing a good description and uploading some personal videos and photos. This will give you a chance to get real and personal. If you are considering an online…

Get more out of your affiliate marketing plan

The world of affiliate marketing is vast and exciting. There are so many ways one can get in and use their knowledge of this field to help promote their own business. It completely depends on the individual. With that said,…

Five strategies for organic SEO

Of all the internet marketing strategies in use today, organic search engine optimization, or organic SEO, is one of the oldest and most proven methods of achieving the top rankings in search results. Organic SEO works to create rankings for…