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Legal Law

Boomers: Can you come home?

Are you baby boomers dreaming of retiring somewhere new and exciting or making plans to come home and settle down? Can you come home and it will be the same? After visiting my former home in Washington state, I reflected…

Florida Business Lawyers

Although any business is profit oriented, what determines its reputation is its business ethics. Their reputation is often reflected in their accounting procedures. Even if a business organization follows ethical accounting standards, there is a chance that it may face…

Your Car Accident Lawyer Needs Your Help

Even the best car accident attorney cannot win your case or help you reach a reasonable settlement if you do not help them. To get results, you must be ready to present your case with as much relevant information and…

Run a background check using public police records

Reviewing Florida police records is a preventative step you may want to consider and highly recommend. We cannot dispute the underlying fact that human evil of all kinds abounds. Your child may need a babysitter or caregiver, your company may…

How to Get an Exceptional Car Accident Lawyer

Although there are many knowledgeable legal professionals, the most reliable way to obtain a car accident attorney for lawsuits is through the American Bar Association. This association will give you a list of legal representatives in your area or state….

Entelechy talks to Bill George about True North

I have had the pleasure and honor of meeting some of the world’s top leaders and leadership gurus, from Sir Richard Branson, General Tommy Franks, and Captain Mike Abrashoff to Dr. Warren Bennis, Dr. Henry Mintzberg, Marshall Goldsmith, Jack Welch,…

How to patent your invention

A patent is a government-granted right that allows the inventor to exclude anyone else from making, using, or selling the invention in the country that issued the patent. The government grants this right to help encourage inventors to spend time,…

8 Quality World Leading Layouts – (Punch Digital Marketing Revenue)

“If you focus on principles, you empower everyone who understands those principles to act without constant monitoring, evaluation, correction, or control” – ‘The power of leadership comes from honorable character: proactive influence’ – Stephen R. Covey. In today’s digital time,…

International Trademark Registration in Indian Perspective

Trademarks are a key component of any successful business marketing strategy, as they allow you to identify, promote and license your products or services in the marketplace and distinguish them from those of your competitors, thereby building customer loyalty. A…

How to determine the value of products and services

How much is your product worth? How much should you charge for your services? How is the value of a product or service determined? Often this is a very difficult assessment. The old waiting answers of “its value is what…