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Legal Law

Build Your Own Towable Backhoe To Save Costs

The rising costs of construction equipment these days are really holding the business back. It is causing construction workers to assemble their own equipment for a number of different reasons. When it comes to a towable backhoe loader, many of…

The Bird Flu Preparedness Planner by Grattan Woodson, MD

In 2005 a series of books on avian flu came to light, thanks to the fear that avian or avian flu would become a killer virus killing millions of people around the world as the so-called Spanish Flu did in…

Seniors: You Can Maintain Control After Control Slips With The Right Plan

Older attorneys, IMHO, handle some of the most compassionate legal cases. We help seniors address their medical and financial needs when they can no longer do so, and help them make a plan to do so before the time comes…

Why you need an attorney for estate planning

If you think estate planning is something you can do yourself, you may want to think again. The estate tax relief legislation of December 2010 raised the value of property an individual could leave estate tax free to $5 million…

How can a debt defense attorney help if a creditor sues me?

If you are facing a debt lawsuit, you may want to seek the help of a debt defense attorney. Why? Well, maybe you don’t feel like you owe the money. You feel that the amount is in dispute. Perhaps the…

Changes in the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) of 2013: a year in review.

The United States government is one of the largest publishers in the world, equivalent to an $821 million traditional business. Given the amount of financial activity within the government, not to mention the number of private companies and businesses subject…

Koi Pond Construction: Upgrade to Concrete or Fiberglass

A recent comment on my website asked for my opinion on how to make a liner koi pond a more permanent structure. That question got me thinking about the different materials and techniques available to improve a pond. I have…

How does the law of strata work?

In New South Wales there are three Acts of Parliament that regulate the strata. Taken together, these acts are commonly referred to as “strata scheme legislation”. The three laws are the Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Act 1973 (NSW), which began…

How to Get a Government Job on Indian Railways

Jobs with the Indian Railways are among the most sought after jobs in India. This is because these government jobs offer many benefits, including medical and, in certain positions, even government accommodation at the duty station. Another attraction of the…

The Importance of Law in our Society

Generally, trial attorneys must understand the basic principles of law and justice. Being a legal professional can be exhausting but very exciting and rewarding as it is capable of affecting the lives of many people. The practice of law is…