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Lifestyle Fashion

Probiotics for psoriasis: do they work? bacteria are your friends

The semi-good news for all of us who suffer from psoriasis is that you are not alone, as it affects around 7.5 million of us here in the US. The bad news is that although psoriasis is commonly thought of…

Conscious decoration, furniture and doors made of recovered wood

Mindfulness is a state of calm, being grounded, and aware of your existence in the present moment. An old-world practice that stems from Buddhist and Hindu principles, mindfulness is a big part of the culture of wellness in modern society….

Embrace a healthy diet that extends your life: simple but not easy

your mother was right Vegetables are the foundation of a great diet. A recent 15-month study of 2,000 subjects found that those with the highest intake of vegetables and fruits had a 70% lower risk of heart attack and other…

Pros and cons of Tarot cards

You may have picked up a deck of tarot cards at some point in your life and played the cards by yourself or with a friend. They can be fun to use and interesting to read the meaning of the…

Use organic skin care beauty products to be safer and more useful than synthetic products

The choice of item should depend on the type of skin you have. The use of any random natural or synthetic product without detailing the ingredients should be avoided. Using the right skin care product and keeping your body’s outer…

7 Easy Steps to Get Rid of Yeast Candidiasis

Officially known as “thrush” in both men and women, yeast infection or candidiasis presents such a common problem in my daily practice that I decided to write this easy-to-follow guide to explain the key aspects of the yeast infection problem…

Massage Oils – Advantages and Disadvantages

Grape seed oil Grapeseed oil is the most widely used oil for body massages. It is fine in texture, smooth and free flowing. It is high in linoleic acid (EFA) and contains some vitamin E. This will nourish the skin…

Lifestyle Fashion

How to Create Custom Jewelry

Custom Jewelry Custom jewelry is an excellent way to create a beautiful pendant, earrings, or wedding band. A jewelry consultant can help you find the best designs for your needs. They can organize your ideas and provide valuable information about…

Natural beauty products to look younger

If you really care about the health of your skin, then you need to make sure that you choose the right type of natural makeup products. Natural skin and face products are made from plants, roots, herbs and minerals and…

A look back at the history of cats

Have you ever wondered where “today’s cat” came from? I do and so I started a little research on the history of cats. Apparently no one really knows when or how “the cat” first appeared on our planet. According to…