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How to accept my boyfriend after cheating on him?

The most painful thing a boyfriend can give you is a stab like a knife in your heart when he cheated on you. This often led to a breakup.

But since they both had a good time before, chances are he will regret it, want to go back and at the same time give you a hard time wondering if you should accept it.

TW Jackson as the author of the best-selling Magic of Making Up, and I have compiled plans to help you get it back if you decide now to rekindle your old romance.

Here are some quick and easy tips for you to know if your ex-boyfriend really wants to get back together, as the two of us collected after observing the happiness that comes from getting back together.

1 – Play hard to get some

By doing this, you will know if you really want to fix things.

“If you see him keep coming even when you playfully make him go after you, then that’s a good indication,” says Jackson, who lives in Arkansas.

2 – Be his friend

Get rid of all the hassle by hand. Show him that you can joke and tease him a bit and have a healthy friendship with him. This is one of the best ways to get him to chase you again.

Men, whether they admit it or not, like a challenge. And what is the best way to subtly give that to him? You got it right … be her friend. As you smirk at the way he made a fool of himself, it just means that he really wants you back.

It shows that the stress of the relationship and the breakup have subsided, and he may realize with remorse that he wants you back and is willing to do whatever he can to convince you.

3 – Show your GP (girl power)

Go girl! Be sweet (you always are) and kind to him and at the same time be brave to put a little attitude. Since you want him to love you, you also want to give him the feeling that he can’t have you yet.

And because of this he will eventually give you “A lesson lived is a lesson learned, a little nudge on your head that you should never bother with.”

And as a result, he is becoming more enthusiastic now to prove himself.

4 – Never ignore the importance of socializing

While making sure that he knows that you are available, you should spend some of your time with friends, as it can covertly generate a bit of jealousy in him and it would work in your favor. Just keep in mind that it’s important to play it safe because if he doesn’t think you’re available, he probably won’t find the motivation to pursue you.

5 – Avoid rushing back to him.

“Hurried = desperate”. And one of the things you might discover is that you won’t get a chance to know if he’s serious or if he’s the same old idiot coming back to you. And as a result, taking small steps would be the wisest steps to help you make the right decisions.

It allows you to carefully assess your intentions and your desire to get back together and prevent you from going through the pain again.

6 – Short sideways look

Look at him out of the corner of your eye if he’s close, but be careful not to get caught by him. This look will let you know if he is paying attention to you or not.

7 – Imagine the sweetest memories

Casually imagine some of the best times the two of you have ever had together. Once you occupy your mind with the pleasant memories, it will allow you to smile and slowly wash away the pain, and as a result, you will now be able to make better judgments if you want to get it back.


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