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Start early and train your pup

Training any new pet can be a difficult task, but with repetition and practice, the challenge will become easier. If you want the puppy to hear only you, then don’t let him play with other people. Potty training your new pup is a necessary evil.

You should do the same routine every day and it is important that you give your pup a lot of extra attention as this will make the housebreaking process much easier.

Your pet lives in a human world full of confusing things and behaviors that it cannot understand. It is better to create good habits at the beginning, if you start early you can stop behavior problems like biting or jumping on furniture.

Every dog ​​owner knows that when he treats the dog with praise, the dog will gain greater satisfaction and carry out the command more easily than if the dog is disciplined in any other way. So when he trains his dog, he needs positive reinforcement.

You can train a dog on your own, or you can join an obedience training class and receive instruction from professionals. You will find many resources online and most of the online sites are free and you will find many tips and secrets for dog training.

If you really want to train your pup, you’re going to have to put in some effort. And some kind of dog is trained just for that.

Having a dog that can perform tricks and is highly obedient and well trained is the pride and joy of every dog ​​owner. Although they are generally warm, loving, and loyal, they can be trained to be more obedient. Even if you only have your dog inside for a short period of time, he should be trained not to leave a mess.

The correct position for the heel command is your dog to your left side with the shoulder and front leg in line with your left leg. When you and your dog have a good relationship and training will be a breeze. As your dog progresses in training him, you can give him a command in the middle of a crowded area and he will obey you.

When you train your puppy, make sure you use positive experiences because negative experiences can affect your puppy, so make sure training is positive and fun. And this training requires frequent, consistent, and well-timed positive reinforcement. Unlike humans, dogs do not know the difference between positive and negative attention.

Your dog will do his best when praised, so using positive words and reinforcement will make your dog do better when you train him. Here two elements intervene: positive reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement. All positive commands must be pronounced clearly and clearly during training.

When training your pet, you can use the treat system, this system is training with a treat by rewarding your dog with his favorite snack for following your command or doing something good. Try to go out with him at least every thirty minutes and be sure to praise or reward him for going to the bathroom on him outside.

Properly crate training your puppy is one of the best things you could do.


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