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Health Fitness

walking to lose weight fast

Did you know that walking to lose weight fast is the most popular way to exercise to lose weight? The reason is that almost everyone can walk. There are no barriers to entry and we all know how to walk, right?

Take a moment to read a couple of great ways to increase your calorie burn and lose weight much faster with a walking routine.

walking to lose weight fast

We don’t want to have slow weight loss, right? We want those kilos gone yesterday!

So here are some ways to make your walk help you lose weight faster:

1) Walk with exercise poles

These poles go by many names. Trekking sticks. Exer-Poles. Fitness sticks. Exestriders. And more. The bottom line is that when you walk in them, you’ll burn more calories than if you didn’t wear them because they engage more muscle in your body, and more muscle activity leads to more fat loss and a leaner appearance.

2) Walk longer

If you’re really trying to lose weight quickly, take longer walks. If you walk longer than 60 minutes, you will not only burn more calories during your walk, but you will have initiated an afterburn effect. This means that you have stored your body’s fire and will continue to burn calories for many hours after your walk is over.

So now you have a couple of ways that will help you get started on walking to lose weight fast. Get off the couch, put on your walking shoes, and have fun!


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