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10 tips to type more and type more easily using two monitors

If you already use two monitors, then you know what a difference this can make to you. If, on the other hand, you’re thinking, ‘Two monitors?! Why would I want 2 monitors on my desk?’ well… read on and I’ll give you just ten tips related to having two monitors connected to your computer.

  1. Check to make sure your computer supports having multiple monitors. If not, it’s pretty simple to get a video card that will expand your ability to do so.
  2. Know that your 2 monitors don’t have to “match”.
  3. So, assuming you have both of your monitors connected, here’s how to increase your productivity with them:
  4. Have two different Word documents open, one on each screen. Whether you’re drawing from one to the other, comparing two versions, or considering an article request on one screen while crafting your article or inquiry letter on the other, this saves you time by not opening and closing windows on one monitor.
  5. Have a Word document on one screen and a PowerPoint presentation on the other. As a writer, there are times when you come across text and concepts that you originally put together for a presentation and are now revising for an article, book, or manual. Of course, there are also other times when you’ve written about a topic and now you’ve been asked to give a presentation on that area of ​​expertise. Either way, you’ll be very happy to have two monitors.
  6. Open the Internet on one screen and a Word document on the other. Often, I have http://www.MyFavoriteThesaurus.com or http://www.OneLook.com open on the right screen and the manuscript I’m working on open on the left.
  7. Have an Excel document (or other spreadsheet program) open on one screen and your PowerPoint or Word program open on the other. If you include multiple charts or other data representations in your article, chapter, or report, this is a productive way to transition smoothly between the two programs.
  8. Open your email program on one screen and the document you’re working on on the other. NOTE!!!! This is only when you need to read a particular email because it has information that you need as you type. It is not an invitation to multitask or entertain yourself!
  9. Have a Google Doc (or some other program that lets you share over the web) open on one screen and some notes you’ve made in a Word program on the other.
  10. Have your blog open on one screen and your word processing program open on the other. Sometimes it’s hard to compose on the blog screen and it’s easier to write your post (and format it) using LiveWriter or another program and then post it on the blog. Two monitors let you do that.
  11. Don’t necessarily limit yourself to 2 monitors. I know some people who started with two and added a third, and even a fourth. The idea is productivity. I promise you two monitors will increase your typing productivity… it’s up to you to decide if you need even more.

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