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3 Kitchen Lighting Styles That Will Give You The Retro Look Your Grandparents Loved

If you want to revive the memories of the past, one of the best ways to do it is to adapt a retro look in your home with the right lighting. By simply incorporating the dominant colors used in interior design during the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s and choosing the kitchen lighting style that is reminiscent of those same times, you can easily achieve the look you want.

To help you with your kitchen renovation, here are the basic designs from previous years. For additional information on these cool styles below, simply search for them in your browser and you’ll have plenty of images to give you additional help.

ball lamp

The ball lamp was a design standout during the 1970s. The sleek design and bold colors make it a dominant feature of retro style. If you remember the old Hollywood movies, you usually find it in both the dining room and the living room of the elite and the rich. You can revive it by using the same kitchen lighting in the same places. To add the retro look to your lighting, choose colors like orange, yellow or blue or any combination of these. Keep in mind that the retro look represents a powerful combination of bright colors, so don’t go soft or dull on its colors.

victorian style lamp

The Victorian style chandelier is a popular type of lighting fixture used in recent years and is still a favorite of many modern designers today. You can incorporate the lighting fixture in your kitchen, especially your buffet table. The added vintage or antique effect gives you the feeling of traveling back in time with ease.

pendant lights

Kitchen pendant lighting is also a popular design to achieve the retro look. You can choose from the different designs of the lampshade depicting the life of the 50’s. Depending on your preferences, you can choose the old hat design or the vintage umbrella style. If you’re a fan of wood fixtures, get lights made from wood materials that were in use at the time to add the effect you want to achieve. You can find these original light fixtures at various garage sales or even on various online auction sites.

Even up to this point, incorporating retro style into kitchen lighting still looks good, and depending on your home decor, you can give it that extra edge by using it. By simply adapting the retro theme and look, you can take a look at the life of your grandparents and enjoy being in the past for a moment.


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