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5 Remodels to Consider Before Moving into a New Home

There’s certainly a sense of excitement after buying a new home, so homebuyers unsurprisingly are eager to move as soon as they can. But before you move into a new home, there are five specific areas to consider first. Making changes or improvements in these commonly overlooked areas will not only better protect your investment, but will make the home truly and completely yours. Read on to review these five important tips if you’re looking for a new home or just bought one.


This may seem like a no-brainer, but the reality is that many home buyers are distracted by all the requirements and hassles of moving and settling in a new place, that changing the locks takes a backseat. And then after a while, he forgets that he’s still using the same keys that he was given at shutdown. But it is very important that you do not let this happen to you. The first thing you should do before moving to a new house is to change the locks. This can be done by a local door repair service, or can even be a DIY project if you’re good with tools. New padlocks are relatively inexpensive, but their price varies based on quality, brand, style, design, and more.


For those buying a new construction home, there may not be much need to clean and inspect the vents, but it is still a good idea to clean any dust that has accumulated during the construction period. As for homes that have been around for a few years or more, getting rid of all the years of dirt, dust, and dander that has accumulated in the home’s ventilation system is highly recommended. This can be done by a professional service for a relatively low price and shouldn’t take more than a day to complete. Start your new journey in a fresh, clean home with a healthy indoor air environment.

Fuse box

Another task that you need to complete before moving into your new home is to set up the fuse box. Learning and labeling the fuse box will require more than one person, so make sure you have a helper with you to do this job. Grab some masking tape and a permanent marker, and then get to work! Start by first turning off all plugged in electronic devices, including radios and televisions. Then have the other person turn on all the lights in the house and go through each fuse one by one to assign it to an area of ​​the house. It is recommended to bring a lamp to plug into the outlets and check them as well. Label each fuse clearly and you’re done!

fireplace and fireplace

For homes that are not new construction, you definitely want to have the chimney inspected. Bats and birds can roost and nest in chimneys, especially in homes that are left vacant for long periods of time. Additionally, there could be possible structural issues and even health concerns that a professional can point out to you. Repair any problems before you move in for a safe and functional fireplace.


Plumbing is the most important system in any home, besides heating and cooling. Without properly working plumbing, a home is sent back to the stone age. Toilets, faucets, bathtubs, showers, laundry, and more are all the everyday gadgets we use to function in life. For this reason, always make sure to have the plumbing system in your new home thoroughly inspected by a licensed professional before you move in.


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