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5 things to do after being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease

Hashimoto’s disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States. Unfortunately, it is also the most poorly managed type of hypothyroidism. Most people diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease only receive thyroid hormone replacement, but continue to suffer from the same symptoms. Here are five things every Hashimoto’s patient should do to help lessen their symptoms.

  1. Stop taking all supplements that contain iodine: Iodine is an important nutrient for thyroid function, and iodine deficiencies are common throughout the country, but in cases of Hashimoto’s disease, iodine can trigger an attack by the immune system. The bottom line is that iodine is a very important supplement for many people, but it is contraindicated with this disease because it inflames the immune system and makes the problem worse.
  2. Get your vitamin D level tested: A common problem among people with autoimmune diseases is vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is critical for the support of the immune system. A simple blood test performed by your doctor can determine whether or not the levels of vitamin D stored in your body are high enough. It is recommended that your levels be 33 ng/ml or higher. If the test is low, your doctor will recommend a high-quality supplement with retesting in the future to make sure you’re absorbing it properly.
  3. Get tested for gluten sensitivity: The literature shows that a high number of people diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease also have gluten sensitivity. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, rye, and other grains. Gluten sensitivity simply means that every time you eat gluten, your immune system tries to attack and kill it, creating major inflammation. This immune trigger will cause your immune system to attack harder and destroy your thyroid gland. The best and most sensitive test for gluten sensitivity is a stool SIGA test. Your doctor may order this test for you. If you have tested negative with a saliva or blood test, be sure to get a stool test, as continuing to eat gluten when you have a sensitivity is detrimental to your condition.
  4. Closely monitor your blood sugar level: You’re probably thinking, “I’m not diabetic, why does this apply to me?” There are many functional diabetics and functional hypoglycemics who have no idea that they have a problem. This is a complex issue that your doctor will need to work on with you, but proper blood sugar regulation is essential to prevent the immune system from being continuously triggered.
  5. DO NOT take “immune support” supplements: This is the biggest mistake I see patients and many doctors make in an attempt to support the immune system. With an autoimmune disease, the immune system has become essentially confused. One side of the immune system becomes dominant and the other side suppressed. It is this imbalance that creates the confusion and causes you to attack your own thyroid gland. The immune support supplement likely contains an herb or botanical that may be helpful, but it probably contains elements that are worsening your immune dominance. It is essential to run some very special immunological panels to determine your immune dominance and the specific pattern of immune dysfunction to really discover the true nature of the immune problem. A targeted application of herbs, botanicals, and plant extracts that have been shown to have specific effects on various cells of the immune system can then be used to modulate and rebalance the immune system. Until you have a doctor who knows how to run these immune panels and apply that knowledge, don’t play with fire, just avoid broad-support immune supplements altogether.

If you’re diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, do these 5 things to give yourself a better chance of feeling well again. Since the immune system is the source of the problem, finding a doctor trained in analyzing the specifics of the immune response, familiar with autoimmune triggers, and trained in the application of natural medicine in relation to the immune system is your best option to completely lower control of your disease.


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