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Digital Marketing

5 things to look for when selecting an influencer for your brand

Selecting the right influencer decides the fate of your marketing campaign. In addition to using the best influencer marketing platform for brands, you also need to have a solid strategy for choosing the influencer that matters. But most brands consider any influencer based on the size of their fan base. It’s an old school tactic that just doesn’t work now. You have to go deeper than in previous days and prepare a set of indicators that your influencer must meet to fit well in the success of your company.

Let’s find out the criteria by which you should select an influencer for your brand that could really hit the right note:

1. Prefer an influencer in your niche

Choosing an influencer who does not operate in your niche often backfires. To fit in well, you need to find an influencer that operates in your niche. It is the key to the right influencer marketing strategy. Having a similar niche ensures that your content is shared among your ideal audiences for great results.

2. Prefer the one with high engagement rates

It’s not just about the size of the follower base an influencer has, but also about their engagement rate. It is crucial to calculate the engagement rate of the potential influencer you are considering for your brand before finalizing it. To choose the perfect influencer, check their average engagement rate. The idea is to get the right influencer who can really generate interactions with your audience.

3. Choose the one that operates on your demographics

If you want to target local audiences, it’s best to consider a local influencer who operates in the same demographic. Choosing an influencer with more global audiences will not meet your marketing goals. Find someone who is active in your region and has a following in the segment and demographic you are looking for.

4. Consider who knows the voice of your brand

Investing in an influencer who doesn’t deliver on your brand’s voice and goals won’t help you. For example, if your brand operates a vegan restaurant, considering an influencer who actively promotes non-veg food through their posts would ruin your marketing efforts. You need to reach out to an influencer who is vegan and is reflected in their social media posts.

5. Measure your past performance results

Don’t believe an influencer with his eyes closed when he brags about his performance. Take a look at the performance statistics of your previous campaigns. Simply analyzing a campaign will not give you a clear idea of ​​its abilities. Get an overall picture of your performance metrics by reviewing a couple of your past projects. It will help you to conclude if he is the right one to continue your influencer marketing or not.


Choosing the right influencer comes with a set of tasks that you need to do if you really want the best influencer to work for you. Choosing the best influencer marketing platform for brands is only half the job. You also need to get the right clout to make your campaign reach the height of success. Follow these tips to find the influencer that could really help you achieve your marketing goals.


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