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5 ways to get more downloads for your app

Have you made a cool new app? Have you also tried and tested your application with some potential clients? If so, you must be excited about the next phase in your application life; is that the launch phase? But how can you access the world of the cyber market and make the application notice among the (around) 2 million customers who are buying applications from official stores?

There are two main types of ‘official stores’ or online application platforms from which users can download different types of applications. One is the app store, which is the official online store for Apple or iOS devices. The other is known as ‘Google Play’ and is the official online store for Android applications. But before we learn how to get more downloads for our apps (or apps), it is essential that we learn about the ways that users discover these apps. Knowing these ways will help us make a marketing strategy that will not only bring our application to market, but will also help us ‘sell’ the application, so that at the end of the day we can get more installs and downloads.

For starters, official stores sometimes advertise certain apps, so when users log into their respective platforms, they can see the new apps or the top-rated apps out there. So word of mouth is another popular way for people to find out about new apps. I don’t know about you, but for me apps like Angry Birds, Candy Crush Saga, Temple Run, etc. never existed until a friend introduced me to all these amazing apps. Once word gets out about your app, a viral process kicks in and everyone starts hearing about it, which means: more downloads. Another way is through Internet browsing, where users often use search engines to search for new applications, or find out about them through advertisements on different social networking sites.

Now that the potential user has found out about your app, do you think they will start downloading it instantly? If that were the case, wouldn’t all of us developers be living in “developer heaven”? Unfortunately, it takes a lot more than potential users who stumble upon your app to get them to download it. Your app should stand out and attract them to download it.

So what gives your app the wow factor? It’s actually more about how you market it than the content itself. The content is important, but that is something that the user will discover only after they have downloaded the application. So here are 5 ways to get more downloads for your app:

1. Great translated descriptions:

Descriptions are a great way for users to know what the app is about, but what if there is a language barrier? To overcome this, try to locate the descriptions for as many countries as you can. In this way, you will expand your number of potential users who really understand what the application is about. Not only that, but make sure the description has multiple keywords that will make it appear in internet searches. Finally, your description should inform about all the permissions that the application will need from you, once you have downloaded the application. Sometimes an app has in-app purchases, so mention those as well. Make everything clear beforehand. People hate being fooled. The last thing you want is for a user to download your app and then delete it because they didn’t know they would be charged more for app items.

2. Videos:

What can be better than visual aids for your application? Make a video and show your users your application. In this way they will get the perfect description of what the application is about. If you have some extra cash, then maybe you could hire mobile-specific video editors to edit your video and make it compatible with smartphone screens. Also, if possible, localize these videos according to regions as well, since at the end of the day all you want is to capture users.

3. Limited time offers:

Who doesn’t love sales? I’m sure almost everyone does. So from time to time, try offering your users limited-time offers. They can be in any shape; You can make the app free for some time (to encourage people to download and try it so they can then recommend it to their friends), offer an in-app discount for a period of time, do something special in the app offers, and so on. There are many things you can do and then later on you can even advertise your app on daily deal sites, where you can let users know what special offers you have on your app for the current time period.

4. Real life professional screenshots:

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words and how true that is. So why not use images as a medium to display your application? But instead of just taking screenshots of the application in use, the best option would be to create a situation and take pictures of normal and common people using the application and then add them to the profile of the application. This will give it a more realistic touch and will encourage users to download your application.

5. Google Image for Google Play:

If your app is also available on Google Play, make sure you don’t skip this part. Many developers tend to ignore this part, but it is important as this is the largest area you have to highlight your application. Make sure to use it to the best of your ability and use text, also in the form of tag lines.

All of the steps mentioned above are important, but never forget the importance of getting the word out. If you can hire a public relations firm or purchase the services of a medium-sized blog, let them talk about your blog as it will help to intrigue the interest of the reader and you never know that that particular reader might download your application after read about it on a tech blog. Other than that, from time to time, check your app analytics, so that you can measure user behavior from the moment you download the app to the present time. In this way, you will be able to better evaluate and judge the success of your application.

Lastly, try to run CPI burst campaigns as often as possible so that you can help your app get to the top 50 lists; After all, platforms usually list the top 50 apps by default, so if your app is there, it will definitely attract attention. .

Try to do all the steps above and if luck is on your side, your app will definitely start to turn heads and app downloads will increase as well. Good luck!


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