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6 ways to enhance your home with natural stone cladding

Stone cladding is an eye-catching exterior for a home, making it look classic and ageless no matter the architectural style. But that’s not the only way this type of masonry can transform a home. From major projects, like a complete home exterior renovation, to smaller jobs like cladding a boring fireplace or floor to create depth of character in a single room, stone work can make your home feel like a brand new home.

The variety of options available is dazzling. From the rustic brick look to the sophisticated cream stone styles, today’s stone cladding is revolutionary in both appearance and ease of installation. So what can you do with it? How can you use it to create a completely new and beautiful look for your home?

Stone cladding for the exterior of the home

  • The exterior of the house: The most obvious use of stone siding is to cover the exterior of the house or to create an accent wall or two on the outside. A house with the appearance of gray carved stone exterior walls stands out with some sophistication, and a porch with sandstone walls is a bright and welcoming entrance. A stone clad house has a timeless look because it recreates an old material to give it a new and fresh look that sets it apart.
  • Garden Walls – The garden is an oasis in good weather and even in winter it can be a pleasure to look at it from the comfort of a chair by the window. Garden walls can be simple boundary markers, or with the right stone cladding they can be a landscape feature that serves as a stunning backdrop for plants and other features in a garden. Stone cladding can also be used on lower walls, such as retaining walls around a landscaped slope.
  • Pathways and Patios – An easy way to add style to your home’s outdoor space is to redo patios and garden paths with stone siding. Patios are an outdoor living space and the combination of stone veneer from your patio with one used indoors provides continuity between indoors and outdoors. Gravel can give a road a certain charm, but it disperses and gets dirty quickly, which creates a lot of extra work. Stone work offers visual appeal with much less hassle and maintenance. The path to the front door is the introduction to a home, so this smaller-scale project packs a lot of visual impact and can substantially increase a property’s curb appeal.

Stone cladding for the interior of the house

  • Interior Walls – A very large space can display striking character when an entire room or more features stone cladding walls, but even the smallest spaces can be enhanced with a stone accent wall. An entryway or hallway sets the mood for a home, and cladding those walls with stone tells guests that their host has distinctive good taste. A rustic brick clad wall can create a warm, homey feel in a kitchen, and a stone cladding in a greenhouse with a solid wall can really give you the feel of an outdoor space but without the exposure to the elements.
  • Fireplaces – The fireplace is often the focal point of a room, and a boring fireplace can undermine an otherwise beautiful decor. People are drawn to fireplaces, even if there is no fire, so redoing a fireplace is a high-impact change to a room. In the kitchen or living room, a stone veneer finish adds to the fire’s overriding appeal. Stone veneer also provided homeowners to change the overall shape of the fireplace. For example, an arch can be created in a square opening, creating a dramatically different look and feel for the entire room.
  • Flooring – Using stone floor coverings is a great way to add the beauty and charm of stone to a smaller space or one with lots of cabinets or other wall features. The stone veneer creates the feeling of an antique space without limiting how the wall space can be used. It’s a wonderful option for kitchens or narrower hallways that would feel filled with stone-clad walls. Floors and fireplaces can be done in coordinated stone veneer to develop a strong decorating theme for a single room or throughout the home.

Stone siding can be a reasonably priced investment in a complete home remodel, whether homeowners are looking to improve their living space or increase its value because they plan to sell. This is a lasting change for a home, but it means lasting beauty and less maintenance than paint or pebble for the exterior and a stunning transformation for the interior.


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