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7-Keto benefits a weight loss regimen

As a natural active metabolite of the hormone DHEA, 7-Keto-DHEA plays an important role in various processes in the body. 7-Keto-DHEA levels decline throughout life, but levels can return to normal with supplementation. Users receive the classic benefits of 7-Keto, including lower cortisol, improved immune function, and easier weight loss and keep it off.

How 7-Keto-DHEA Works

7-Keto-DHEA increases the rate of weight loss primarily by increasing body temperature through the process of thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is also increased by other supplements, such as DHEA, caffeine, and ephedrine, but these substances often have unwanted side effects, such as high blood pressure. Enhanced thermogenesis, without the side effects, is one of the most important benefits of 7-Keto. Adding to its advantages is the fact that 7-Keto can be used even in very large doses without causing toxicity. One study found that test animals suffered no ill effects while taking the equivalent of 40,000 mg daily, which is about 200 to 400 times the standard 100 or 200 mg RDA.

The increased metabolic rate brought about by 7-Keto-DHEA allows dieters to continue enjoying the benefits long after starting their diets. Instead of suffering from a slow metabolism caused by a low calorie diet, users experience a constant metabolic lift and avoid reaching a plateau in their weight loss.

Thyroid hormone T3 is also increased by 7-Keto. Some weight loss supplements, like l-tyrosine, increase fat burning by increasing T3, but T3 levels eventually crash with their use. On the other hand, 7-Keto keeps T3 levels high in users, allowing them to continuously lose weight. Scientists have noted that this increase in T3 stays within the normal and safe range, allowing users to reap the rewards of increased T3 while avoiding the dips associated with having too much.

7 Benefits of Keto for Weight Management Problems

On its own, 7-Keto-DHEA is not a miracle weight loss supplement that makes users lose fat effortlessly. However, combined with a diet and exercise program, 7 Keto’s primary benefits of reduced cortisol, elevated T3, and enhanced thermogenesis combine to make weight loss much easier. 7 Keto benefits include lowering cortisol, which allows people to train harder and more often during their regimens. This is just one more way that 7-Keto-DHEA facilitates weight loss.

Along with its other benefits, 7-Keto-DHEA also improves the body’s use of insulin, preventing fat accumulation. Compared to other modern weight loss supplements, 7-Keto covers more aspects to give dieters a huge advantage in their fitness efforts.


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