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A touch of spring to lift the spirit

The scents of spring are in the air as the sun melts winter snowdrifts softening the soil ever so slightly allowing the earth to tickle our noses with the promise of flowing bulbs about to peek through their deep nesting place. rest. The melody of the bluebirds wafts through the air waves offering music to the ear and anticipation of one of the many nests they will build in various secret places around the terrace that surrounds our house. The children ride their bikes in T-shirts even though it’s still cold because their immune systems are strong and the blossoming of youth springs through their enthusiasm for the months ahead. Because the windows are rolled down enough that we can hear each other’s music choices because it’s hot outside today. The cats move slowly and carefully towards the open door and look out as if they remember this place called the great outdoors but not quite ready to venture out. What a gift this touch of spring offers for those of us who have endured a very long, cold, wintry mix of ice and storm. Oh, winter certainly has offered beautiful snowfall after snowfall, cozy moments in our homes, and fun on the slopes. Also frustrations from messy trips and mixtures of anguish, nerves and fears of car accidents and the occasional fall; being stuck at least once this year somewhere, and the winter reality of missed days of work or school. Today spring greeted us faintly and we are grateful.

There is a spring in the footsteps of the shopping ladies, and smiles spread across their faces as they choose from a plethora of brightly colored plants and flowers to place in their shopping carts. You can almost hear their thoughts if you listen closely as they plan the places in their homes where these beauties will sit. Even the Easter stuff is out: lavender, yellow, pink, soft green, and white add soft spring colors to displays of all kinds in stark contrast to the deep reds, golds, and dark greens of seasons past. The huge chunks of ice are slowly melting and people are outside with shovels chipping away at the walkways so there is more room to walk than just a foot width on a long walk from door to car. I was struck by the joyful energy of everyone along the ride today who was doing this no matter what their age – young and old seemed so pleased to create more space with this little action that I could only believe they knew the secret the spring held. . The secret to space to move and breathe more deeply of nature, as well as space to expand outward from the beautiful cocoon of your home that is solace from the biting elements during the long winter months. Today spring greeted us faintly and we are grateful.

It has been said that indifference is a very painful thing to experience and there was certainly a lot of it as people were in survival mode over the winter. This is especially true in New England where it is not normal to experience such a harsh winter. Today, however, people smiled slightly and nodded to each other; It seemed quite strange and comforting that hope rings true for everyone. As the sun smiled down on us this day, good thoughts seemed to fill the air and settle in each and every person around us. The sun sets a few minutes later each day and on this day the light in the sky was beautiful to behold, casting a pale lavender and parish blue shadow on the tall trees as they swayed with the promise of gentle breezes for a more permanent spring. in front. .

A taste of hope, renewal and regeneration of the dreams that lay and germinated during the long winter months fills our hearts. The gifts of winter provided hibernation comforts of warm food and big cozy sweaters for a slight expansion of body measurements and physical protection from the cold. Not to mention the emotional comfort for many to more easily get through the holiday season where one can become thoughtful, thoughtful, reflective or despondent because the holidays are not just joy, happiness, nor spending sprees and luxury for everyone. Winter sports were fun and kept our athletic side strong and positive, and with the start of spring ahead, greater possibilities are easily accessible for all. Winter with its wood stoves, crackling fires and furry boots allowed this idea of ​​rest and warmth to envelop us all. It’s a wonderful season to be sheltered from the constant movement, the mind’s anxious ways of achieving, doing and following once spring arrives, and how blessed we are in this part of the world to appreciate the gifts of the changing seasons.

And so, as the birds begin to chirp and the tulip buds peek ever so slightly from under the fallen snow, enjoy these hints of times to come. As the meteorologist promises more cold snaps and a few more inches of snow in the coming days, remember these moments, because these moments are all we have, so try to stay focused in the hope that spring will suggest why it will be here sooner than later. that you realize it in all its warmth, beauty and possibility! What promise does spring have for you? Are you prepared and ready for something rejuvenating that will lift your spirits and offer you a new way of living? Are you open to any new ideas by which to view your life, or might it allow for a distinctly different perspective on how you make decisions to inform your life? What does your life mean to you right now anyway? We are at the beginning of 2011 and change is upon all of us. Go a little beyond your comfort zone and choose to care about someone you are indifferent to because it will make you a more wonderful human being. Clear out a closet and feel the spaciousness that organization provides, then go out and pick out a new item within your budget that makes you feel great. Let go of a deep disappointment or pain so that your heart lifts and you feel happier. Enjoy today because it is a privilege to be who you are here and now, so don’t let another minute go by without smiling to yourself and acknowledging something good that you have done for yourself today, because you are your best friend and everyone’s. else is just for the ride of your life!


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