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Boxer dog training: do you want to train your boxer dog?

A few days ago, you saw a very cute boxer dog puppy. And yes, he is really cute and adorable. So you really want to have it as your pet.

After consulting your family members and thinking about the issues for a few days, you have finally made up your mind. Yes, you are going to buy the puppy. You are going to adopt him as a new pet in your house.

So, you have bought the new boxer dog puppy. It’s supposed to be a nice experience, right? Well, not until your boxer puppy urinates for the first time on your expensive rug that you spent thousands of dollars on.

Now you realize that raising a boxer dog puppy is no easy task. That’s right. As a pet owner, you have a lot of responsibility. In fact, it is your responsibility to make sure your pup goes through the proper dog obedience training and house training.

Without proper house training and dog obedience training, your pup will only make a mess in your home. You sure don’t want that to happen to you, do you?

Now, you probably have some questions in your mind.

1) When is the best time to start training my boxer puppy?

Well, the answer is NOW! Yes, that is correct. The best time to start training a dog is as soon as possible. Just like humans, dogs are also creatures of habit. Once you pick up a bad habit, it is very difficult for you to get rid of it. Same here for the dogs.

If you don’t train your dog as soon as possible, it will only pick up bad clothes over time and it will be harder to correct once it is deeply ingrained in the dog. It’s not that it’s impossible, but it’s just going to take a lot more work to get rid of those bad dog habits.

2) Should I personally train my boxer or should I hire the services of a professional dog trainer?

Well, it really depends on your own preferences. If you are interested in training your own pet personally, why not? Of course, each option has its pros and cons.

Training your own pet means there is a chance that you can make mistakes. A professional dog trainer has more experience and will be able to train his puppy well. Of course, it’s also a more expensive approach.


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