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Build a wall of possibilities around your future

Possibility is a capacity that arises that something can happen. It is the invisible power of God, that things that have not existed in the world can exist. It is a self-inspiring word that challenges the status quo every time it is spoken and acted on. It only helps someone who believes they are making big moves and have a lasting legacy.

However, if you want to build a wall of possibilities around your future, there are some super fantastic and must-have laws that you need to “know and obey”. They are known as laws of success. They can make life predictable for you because they can work for everyone in every part of the world. They work the same way in Nigeria, the United States of America, Canada, South Africa and anywhere in the world you can think of. They have no respect for gender, status, family background, or race. They don’t know a poor or rich person, if you break them, they go against you. But, if you know them and obey them, nothing good is impossible for you to achieve. You will be unstoppable. You cannot build the foundation of your life around these laws and not have a fulfilling future. Feel good with me as I share a few with you here.

Law of perception: Everything is created twice. Are you surprised? They are; forward creation and physical creation. What you see today in the invisible of your mind is exactly what you will see tomorrow in the visible. You need to take the shortest trip of your life and be anywhere in the world you want to be. You need to travel in your imagination to the future. Have you ever visualized your life in the next 5 or 10 years without concentrating on the circumstances that are distracting you now? You have to neglect the issue that you are poor or average in all things. Close your eyes and listen to the impossibility and the negative facts. “The moment you dream, you rise above your limitations and no one can stop you except yourself.” Where will you be in the next 15 years? Write it. You have to be a dreamer to have a future full of possibilities. What have you seen in your mind today that didn’t exist before? The invisible forces are waiting to rush into your life and turn your dream into reality. Listen now, if you want to help your perception, read books. It is what you should do if you want to feed your intuition. The books had helped millions of people to become great all over the world. They are great secrets of great people of today. Nothing empowers you like knowledge. Books are my number one food that builds my invisible parts of me daily to make visible things happen. Be hungry for knowledge and invest in books because they are embedded with the secrets to turn your dream into reality. Books are living beings that can fill your heart and transform your life. Your life cannot be better than the knowledge you have. Books allow you to see your future clearly starting today. Seeing tomorrow from today helps you to know the directions of your life and practically move towards it. The practical dreamers of the only country in the world. Without a dream, you have no future. I tell you, have a dream and follow it.

Thought of the law of possibility: The rich man’s thinking is totally different from the poor man’s thinking. This is a big problem among us Nigerians. Go up to a poor man and a legitimate rich man and compare how they think from what they say. You will notice a big difference. Thoughts are powerful. Get it once and for all; your life tomorrow can never be better than the quality of your thoughts today. Thoughts are seeds in your mind that become reality. Literally what you think is what you get. That is. If you think something is impossible even before you start, you have already failed. Poor background, poverty and slavery mentality can be changed to prosperity through our thoughts. Poverty mentality is now a normal thing in Nigeria because of our environment. The first thing is to change our way of thinking. Do not lower yourself in your thoughts. You can only be a billionaire tomorrow if you are one in your mind today. Your situation now is not the determining factor; It is your attitude towards the situation. The problem is not the problem, the problem is the way you see the problem. You can only change your family name in the next 10 years if you change it first in your heart today. The possibility starts from the mind. It is a battle you must win. There is a connection of the mind with the brain. The brain not only understands any information sent from the mind, but obeys it. So, you must protect the doors of your mind. Do not allow jargon to creep in. Be careful what you see, hear and say. So no one can think differently and not achieve different results. “If you can think like one of them and not like one of them, you will achieve a result like none of them.” Thinking is manual work. Popular thought is not a possible thought. Do you understand now? The reason many Africans don’t think and make great things happen is because most people believe that thinking is not working. As a Nigerian I encourage you think and think big that all things are possible for you even from the slums. I tell you, you will get there.

Law of Passion: Do you complain about your current job or don’t even know how to choose a career? I want to help you. It’s better to focus on your area of ​​brilliance than your area of ​​competence. That’s where you can easily be famous. There is always something you like to do that gives you inner joy, whether or not you get paid to do it. You enjoy it once you start doing it. It’s always easy for you, even if everyone says it’s manual labor. That is what you are passionate about. It could be because of your courage, interest, ability, or ambition. That is the secret of your heroic future. It easily sends you to your destination world. You have to be an expert at it and perform at your best. Do everything you can to have relevant information in the area as a career. If you have a job you don’t like doing right now, I encourage you to reconsider because you can’t be the best there. There is a special inner drive to overcome all challenges in your passion area. Nothing gives you more satisfaction than what you like to do. So take advantage of it now and strive to be the best continental. Expand your field of possibilities to the greatness that you can become.

Compensation Law: This is the law of swing and harvest. It’s a law that many Nigerians love to break and complain about having no money. The fact is that you are not obeying this law. We want money without having anything to exchange with it. No product, no service! Look, no matter how much you pray and fast, you can’t have money if you’re not doing anything. A wise man said: “Doing the same thing in the same way is the best definition of insanity.” In fact, the greatest prophet cannot help you. Even the devil can’t give you something illegitimately without getting back something you love. The input quality is also the output quality. Let me give you a practical experiment; if you scream in a forest climbing a mountain, the same voice, I mean your voice will scream at you. That is an echo. It is also called life. What you send to life is what life returns to you. It is a law of nature that you cannot break. Now, do you speak and hear negative words, feel and do negative things, and expect positive feedback? Okay, do you plant beans and expect cassava? See, it doesn’t work that way. This is a law of exchange. Identify opportunities that present themselves as challenges. Don’t run away from challenges. There is gold beaten and hidden inside. I encourage you to decide today what problems you can solve for the people who can trade for money for you. Your purpose and passion must always be aligned with the problems that await solutions in your hands. Okay, do you have any talents or abilities that are crying out for expression? Think of solutions to what people call problems in your family, community, city, or state. The same problems are common to almost everyone in the country, the continent and the world. So you can be the one to solve a national problem by starting your family with what you can do. Try to make a change where you are. You can’t commit to solving people’s problems and not be truly successful in life. It’s not possible.

You are now equipped to stop living a life of explanations and exclamations. If you can choose to obey these universal laws and then plan and think of concrete goals on paper, don’t give up on the days of tough times, have mentors, be hungry for information, try calculated new things, take action, pray and trust God to guide you. breakthrough, believe me, the wall of possibilities around your future is built.

You will succeed.


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