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Legal Law

How to understand and use NCE and Stanines

Some scores on an achievement test are less meaningful to parent educators and classroom teachers than others. The normal curve equivalent, commonly known as the NCE score, falls into this category. If a score is meaningless, it is often useless…

Termination of joint ownership of real property in Hawaii

There are times when co-owners of real property in Hawaii are involved in a dispute and no longer wish to continue co-ownership of that property, or one party is no longer making mortgage payments and the paying party wants to…

Federal Disability Retirement: Filing within 1 year

Postal and federal workers who are injured or develop a medical condition while employed by a federal agency or the US Postal Service have many decisions to make. Making the right decision depends on accurate information; accurate information must be…

FE and PE – Who takes them?

engineersThere is good news, and there is bad news. The good news is that some engineers don’t need to test; the bad news is that the rest do. The majority of FE and PE examinees are civil engineers, who regularly…

Important factors that can help you choose a good lawyer

If you have never worked with a lawyer, it may be difficult for you to hire one. But the first thing you have to do is your homework. For example, if you want to handle a real estate transaction, handle…

How effective are CCTV security systems in reducing crime?

Since the July 7 attacks in London, CCTV (closed circuit television) security systems around the world have been scrutinized with greater scrutiny and with greater expectations of reduced crime. Although not a panacea for crime prevention, many CCTV surveillance systems…

The Case for Hiring a Real Estate Lawyer

“Why would I pay for something when I can do it myself, for free?” That is the question most people ask when someone suggests hiring a real estate attorney. Here are five compelling reasons to rethink this research. 1. Contracts…

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Tests: How to Crack Them

Negatively scored multiple choice question (MCQ) exams are the current trends for exams internationally. Some students fear the test pattern because the options seem confusing, complicated and risky, especially when the test preparation is not 100%. Here we will discuss…

Five common misconceptions about marketing to seniors

With all the potential target markets out there, why would anyone want to market to seniors? Considered by some to be a “lost cause,” they are labeled as too old, too disabled, too thoughtless, or too frugal. While those nicknames…

Integrity – Reimagined

High-profile scandals and ethical fiascos pierce today’s society. Unbridled greed, lack of accountability, moral indifference and cultural decay are common and at all levels. Many Americans believe that integrity is a virtue that vanishes across the spectrum. The times deserve…