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Legal Law

Integrity – Reimagined

High-profile scandals and ethical fiascos pierce today’s society. Unbridled greed, lack of accountability, moral indifference and cultural decay are common and at all levels. Many Americans believe that integrity is a virtue that vanishes across the spectrum. The times deserve…

How to be a good pharmacy technician

Although most pharmacy technicians receive informal on-the-job training, employers surely favor those who have completed formal training and are certified. Formal pharmacy technician education programs require some classroom and laboratory work in a variety of areas, including pharmaceutical and medical…

labor counterfeiters

Not long ago, Budweiser ran a funny TV ad about its fictional Bud Lite Institute, which had invented the “Fake 3000 Coffee Cup” that a person could program to run at any time, thus giving the illusion that the person…

Putting a Value on Your Personal Injury Claim

Your doctor or chiropractor has released you from treatment for your car accident and enough time has passed for you to be about to sit down with the Henry Hard-Nose adjuster. His employer is Rock Solid Insurance, the company that…

Three reasons why you should at least consult with a divorce lawyer

You may be wondering if you should proceed with your divorce without hiring a Richardson divorce attorney. Perhaps she feels that her situation will be easy to resolve without one. Here are three reasons why you should consider hiring an…

Sell ​​yourself on paper: 5 tips for filling out a job application form

Job application forms are used to select qualified individuals to interview for open positions. Your job application form may be the first impression an employer may have of you. Incorrect completion of this form can make it stand out… but…

The effect of employing good content writing companies for new business

Content writing companies often offer services to startups and upcoming businesses to write engaging and promotional content to increase their website readership. These blog writing services are offered for all types of businesses such as online merchants and other service…

So, are you a law aspirant in India? Keep reading!

The legal profession in India has undergone crucial and significant change in recent decades. In today’s scenario, aspiring lawyers are not just confined to the courts but are easily found serving in various corporate houses, legal agencies, law firms, litigation,…

Top Six Reasons Your Business Needs Bylaws

Although California does not require a business to have bylaws, here are six reasons why every business owner should invest in a strategically thought-out set of bylaws for their business: 1. The Bylaws are the Legal Backbone of the Company….

What is limited capital?

What is limited capital and how can it be used to build a successful business? Many people have great business ideas, but perhaps lack the financial power to execute those ideas. However, many people have been successful in business with…