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City Center: the Las Vegas project that will transform the city and the game in Las Vegas

We hear all the headlines everywhere. Gambling casinos in Las Vegas are losing money, casinos in Atlantic City are also losing money, and many gaming centers across the country are adjusting their budget to get through the next year and a half of tough economic times. This budget tightening has also hurt the job market in these regions which relies heavily on gaming revenue to keep food on their tables but despite all this doom and gloom there is one company that still has the guts to bring a big project to Las Vegas and bring a lot of jobs along with it. MGM has invested $9.1 billion in its incredible City Center project, which will begin operations in late 2009.

The incredible thing about City Center is that it is practically a city within a city. Whatever you’re looking to do within the city, whether it’s shopping, dining, golfing, sports or gambling, you’ll find you can do it all at City Center. The beauty of City Center is that you can also buy combination rooms and live there. It will be a city within a city that is capable of sustaining itself without much outside help.

All of this comes at a time when many analysts are predicting that the economic downturn will likely abate in early 2010 by which time the downtown area will be completely finished and this will bring at least 12,000 new jobs to Las Vegas. This new project and the new jobs to come should instantly put Las Vegas back on track for the economic boom it was enjoying before the recession hit.

Now if you have a little bit of hindsight I would look more into investing in Vegas homes right now as they are so cheap and sellers can’t even give them away. This new project will also attract more players and exclusive visitors than Las Vegas is used to having in its city. This is a very exciting project that I have been waiting a long time for to finally happen.

Right now our job is to get through this recession and try to save a little more money, but it’s good to know there are amazing projects like this in Vegas to look forward to the next time we plan our trip there sometime this year. 2010. The future of Vegas sure looks like fun.


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