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Covid-19 – The lessons we learned in life

From time to time in our lives, we come across kind people offering advice that we tend to take for granted. In hindsight, they were proven to be true and we moved on from the lessons learned in the most bitter way. If only we had listened.

If we had only listened, we would not have paid a high price for it. Consequences can be told if we ignore advice or lessons people shared with us. If we had been advised not to drive while intoxicated, we would have avoided death, paralysis, or injury from car accidents. If only we had listened.

Some life lessons are not meant to be freely learned. We have to pay a price, cheap if we’re lucky. The other day, I drove my car through a flash flood on the way home. The avalanche of water rushing down the road has loosened some of the plastic shield under my car as I was speeding through it. It cost me $68.00 to fix it. Some motorists had warned me to take another route, but I chose to ignore the warning. If only he would listen.

Why didn’t I listen? Complacent attitude, I supposed. My point is this. If we choose to ignore what good Samaritans or kind-hearted people say, we will pay for a lesson. One way or another.

I am an astrologer and my specialty is Chinese astrology, which has a branch known as The Four Pillars of Destiny. It’s an incredible metaphysical art that I used to accurately decode my clients’ pillars of destiny based on their dates of birth. Over the years, I have read the Pillars of Destiny from many clients and come across those who have self-punishment in their characteristic traits. These types of people often do things against their better judgment. They don’t listen to good advice from people and they don’t listen to what their gut tells them. As a result, they tend to pay a price for the lessons they learned rather than get them for free. What I observed most of the pillars of their destiny were the destructive elements that pushed them to act in ways that defied logic. Through personal experiences of my own and others, I am of the opinion that emotion can make a person stupid. This is because emotion can cloud the minds of people who tend to act emotionally when pushed by circumstances or faced with problems.

By learning to decipher our pillars of destiny, we can discover the type of punishments, if any, that are self-inflicted and can make a conscious effort to understand the reasons behind them. Usually, it is emotion that underlies the factors that drive a person to act carelessly, recklessly, or destructively. Even if you consciously or subconsciously knew that you might get into trouble, you still acted anyway and got into trouble. It’s like the universe conspires against you and forces you to do things that become life lessons, with or without pain.

The latest life lesson is the corona virus that is taking a heavy toll on our health and economy globally. It is testing our faith in God and quickly becoming an apocalypse if we do not act with great resolve and determination in the crucible of this deadly disease. It takes tremendous willpower and tremendous effort on the part of the people of this world to contain the disease with unity of mind and purpose. The least we can do as citizens of this world is to heed the advice of our leaders and follow our government’s health directive by staying at home to break the chain of infection. Otherwise, we will pay a heavy price for our indiscretion and it is a lesson we do not want to learn bitterly.

If you would like to learn the lessons life has in store for you, please visit my website http://www.bazidestiny.yolasite.com. You will learn the secrets of the pillars of your destiny based on Chinese Astrology.


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