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Create a better work-life balance with universal laws

Are you a workaholic or are you constantly worried about what’s going on at your workplace, even when you’re not there? This can be an indication that your work-life balance is out of whack and you’re overly stressed whether you realize it or not.

Stress is poisonous to your peace of mind

The stress of work problems in particular can have a way of consuming thoughts and affecting the quality of time spent with friends and family. Your job may have become more important than anything else to the point that you’re obsessively answering work emails and voicemails all day long, even when you’re sick or on vacation. Does it sound familiar to you?

Experiencing continuous stress has been shown to be poisonous to physical health and mental well-being. It’s an insidious poison, as you can get used to this level of stress and see it as perfectly normal. However, unless you really enjoy this kind of pressure, it is likely that it will eventually express itself in some form of mental illness or depression.

Make use of universal laws to adjust your work life balance

A balanced state of mind is happy. Work-life balance involves the ability to focus on things other than work that are important, such as your own personal environment and well-being. A well-balanced life is an equal mix of mental, physical, and spiritual attributes. This includes paid employment, fulfilling relationships, time for reflection, physical exercise, and of course, lots of fun!

For the workaholic, the mix is ​​generally short of anything outside of work. To fix this requires a mental effort in the application of certain universal laws – in particular tea law of action and reaction. Personal thoughts and actions are the foundation of your daily reality.

The law of action and reaction says that the energy you put into your actions will result in a similar reaction. In other words, stressed and anxious energy will bring more stress and anxiety. Similarly, calm and captivating energy will produce reactions more conducive to balance.

A balanced person exudes calm and confident energy. This confidence comes from knowing that he has things under control and doesn’t worry unnecessarily. A balanced person can appreciate and enjoy life more fully.

Steps to start a more balanced life

Like any worthwhile endeavor, it is easier said than done and changes will not happen overnight, but with awareness and perseverance they can happen quickly. You can start right away by paying attention to your thoughts and the type of energy they are projecting. Over time, this alone can allow you to stop obsessing over your work and help you relax and achieve a healthier work-life balance.


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