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Crowning achievements: Are crowns worth it on the same day?

It’s no surprise that technology has advanced to new heights in recent years. A little over ten years ago, as a freshman in high school, iPods hadn’t yet plugged into everyone’s heads, e-readers were the stuff of the imagination, and the only “cool” cell phone I had was a flip phone, leaving little in the way of Emojis and even text messages. Back then, I couldn’t even log on to the internet without first checking that everyone was off the phone and that they would stay off for the next hour or so while I stayed on Aline. The biggest breakthrough at the time was AOL screen names and even then he was only lucky if his computer didn’t constantly shut down, irritating his friends as he randomly disappeared and reappeared. I should know, and for the record, I had at least five different screen names, all of which I’m embarrassed to share.

But that was ten years ago, fast forward to the present and you find a world full of technology. Now iPod earphones dangle from everyone’s ears, e-readers dominate the Amazon marketplace, and cell phones are now considered “smart phones” for the most part, essentially putting a computer in the palm of your hand. Aside from my father, who ironically works with computers, everyone has embraced technological upgrades, using them to advance their businesses and lives as they see fit. Dentists in particular have benefited greatly from the rise of technology in their field. From porcelain fillings to same-day crowns, the field of dentistry has seen a boom in technology, bringing greater convenience to your patients.

But is it worth it?

A crown is a porcelain but sometimes metal cap that is placed over damaged or cracked teeth to protect the tooth’s pulp from becoming infected and creating the need for a root canal. By drilling out the damaged area of ​​the affected tooth, dentists can reinforce the broken tooth, giving the tooth a better chance at living its life.

The angle: Getting a crown has always had a way of inducing panic in even the bravest of patients. It usually requires two to three weeks for crown rotation to occur, your appointment is done in two steps. The first appointment leaves you with a temporary crown, while the second appointment cements the permanent one in place. In case you are one of the lucky few who have avoided getting a crown over the years, let me explain, for two to three weeks after your initial appointment, you must live with a temporary crown in your mouth, which allows air, heat and cold to penetrate the tooth more easily and increase discomfort in the mouth.

The appeal: Same day crowns, as the name implies, are done in one visit. Impressions are taken on the same day his crown is ground right next to his chair, giving him back three weeks of his life, in which he would otherwise be restless. Same-day crowns not only save him from an uncomfortable month of biting the side of his mouth, they take less time out of his busy schedule, since he only has to wait for one visit while he creates and places the crown of the. your mouth too

However, perhaps the biggest concern for dental patients today is whether or not the cost difference is worth it. For this particular procedure, the verdict is in, and I’m here to tell you that it’s worth a look. Because excessive lab costs are kept to a minimum with the use of a same-day crown machine, the cost of a porcelain crown, milled in front of your eyes, is about the same cost as a traditional-style crown, which takes weeks to create. .

How’s that for life changing?

Low cost, little pain, few inconveniences: the hype, it seems, is true. Although same-day technology works well for most candidates, it’s not an option for everyone. For those who require crown placement on their front teeth, or for those who grind and clench their jaw overnight, traditional crowns may be suggested as the best option for your mouth. Of course, as with any medical practice, you should discuss the details of your procedure with your dentist beforehand and find out what the best options are for your particular case. However, take heart knowing that your teeth have the best technology available, giving you back that smile you’ve always loved.


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