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Don’t stay still! Move into the new year towards your dreams!

This year is coming to an end. Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? I realize that some people no longer make New Year’s resolutions. There is nothing wrong with that. You really don’t have to wait until a new year to make changes in your life. You can start at any time once you decide. However, this is the time when many of us reflect on the year. We look at what has worked, what is working, and what may not have worked. Based on that, we usually make our New Year’s resolutions. However, some of us set the same goals each year because we still haven’t achieved them from each previous year. Some of us set goals and start off strong, but eventually lose momentum and forget about everything. Therefore, the objectives have not yet been met. And yet, we are complaining about the same things.

For example, we say that we want a better job, we want to lose weight, we want to improve our finances, etc. But each year passes and nothing changes. The truth is that nothing will change until you do. You have to be honest with yourself about why you are not getting the results you want. It may be that you are afraid of success, you are afraid of failure, you let other people influence you, you do not believe in yourself or in other things. Regardless, I believe that everyone has the ability to achieve their goals. There is no perfect person. The reality is that if you want to achieve a goal or a dream, YOU have to do the work that is required to achieve it. You can keep doing the same things to get the same results and have the same year you’ve had before, or you can choose to make a change to get different results. With that said, here are some tips to consider to help you move into the New Year.

give yourself permission to fly. Do not be afraid. Many people never take risks because they are so worried about what other people are going to say or think. They are so focused on trying to fit in and/or please other people that they never take a step towards what they want. Give yourself permission to go against the norm and the status quo. Give yourself permission to fulfill the desires of your heart and do the things that make you happy, that bring you joy. It is never too late. Your goals and dreams matter. It’s time for you to say “Yes” to yourself. Put yourself first. Stop looking for other people’s approval and start living for yourself.

Be clear what you want. You have to know what you want for your life. If you have no idea what you want, you are going to waste time and energy on the wrong things. It’s like wandering aimlessly. Having clarity is essential. When you know what you want, you make it easier because you have a focus and then you can spend your time and energy in the right area. Be clear about your goals and dreams. Write it. Once you’re clear about what you want, take action every day to make it a reality for you and stick with it.

Re-evaluate your associations. You are who you hang out with. If you are trying to chase your dreams, then you need to align yourself with people who are chasing them. Many of us have people in our lives who do not have our best interest at heart. There are people in your life who may be negatively affecting you. If you are surrounded by people who are always gossiping and complaining, for example, you may want to re-evaluate them, as that type of influence can hinder you. You must always be growing. You should surround yourself with positive and like-minded people. Consider the company you keep.

We all deserve to live the life of our dreams. If what you’re doing isn’t working, you have to do something different. be encouraged. Pedal forward. The choice is up to you. Have a happy new year!


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