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Ending Contraception to Conceive: When and How

As a woman, you have probably spent years trying to avoid getting pregnant by using one form or another of contraception. However, if you are thinking about trying to conceive soon, it is probably time to end your relationship with birth control. If you’re not sure how long it will take to conceive after using birth control, read on.

Oral contraceptives, ring and patch:

There is a widespread myth among women that it can take a while to conceive after you stop using oral contraceptives, but that is simply not true. Many women are surprised to find that they are pregnant shortly after ending their relationship with the pill, even before they have had a period. Also, pregnancy can occur quickly after using the patch or Nuva Ring.

While you never know when a baby will appear, if you are a planner who wants to know when you have conceived, you should wait until you have a full menstrual cycle after stopping the pill before you start trying to conceive. . That may mean that you need to use alternative birth control methods, such as condoms, until you are ready. And if you’re not ready to start trying for a baby yet, don’t stop taking the pill or use a barrier method.


It is possible to get pregnant at any time after the implant is removed, although it usually takes at least three months, if not longer.


These hormonal contraceptive injections are given to a woman every three months. Women who want to conceive can expect to get pregnant three to four months after their last injection, at the earliest.

For other women, the hormones that make Depo-Provera injections effective can take a while to leak out of their body, and in such cases, pregnancy can take up to a year or two. If you want to have children within the next year, you may want to consider transitioning from contraceptive injections to a non-hormonal contraceptive option, such as condoms.


Mirena IUDs are a hormonal type of IUD. For most women, fertility returns fairly quickly after extraction. According to the manufacturer of Mirena, 80% of women trying to conceive will do so within one year of IUD removal.

The copper IUD, called ParaGaurd, also promises a rapid return to fertility after removal. However, keep in mind that the device will need to be removed during your period. You will need to talk to your pregnancy doctor about when is the best time to have your IUD removed.

If you are thinking about getting pregnant, you should talk to your obstetrician about when would be the best time to stop taking birth control. You should plan a preconception checkup with your provider where, in addition to recommendations on when to end contraception, your pregnancy doctor can review your general health to ensure that you are in good health to begin the journey of the baby. pregnancy.

For some women, pregnancy will come quickly after stopping contraception, but in general, you should expect the pregnancy to take up to a year. Learn more about your fertility cycle from your doctor to help jump-start the process.


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