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Facts about allopathic medicine

The Allopathic Medicine system refers to the medical practices used during a particular period of history. Allopathy is a conventional treatment method for treating diseases with remedies that produce completely different effects than those caused by the disease itself. The best example is using a laxative to get rid of constipation. The German physician Samuel Hahnemann is responsible for coining the term ‘allopathy’. ‘Allos’ means ‘opposite’ and ‘pathos’ for ‘suffering’. Taking into account the severe medical practices of his time such as purges, bleeding, vomiting, administration of highly toxic drugs, etc., Samuel Hahnemann combined the words ‘allos’ and ‘pathos’ and formulated ‘allopathy’.

Regarding the conception of the disease, allopathic medicine is based on the Theory of the Four Humors. According to this theory, an imbalance of the four humors (blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile) and of the four bodily conditions (heat, cold, wet and dry) related to the four elements – earth, air, fire and water – is The root cause of all diseases. Those doctors who followed the Hippocratic tradition tried to balance the humors by treating the symptoms with their opposites. For example, excess blood was believed to be the cause of fever (heat) and the solution was achieved by drawing blood to “cool” the patient.

In 1876 there was a revolution in scientific medical thought, through the discovery of the bacteriological agents responsible for causing infectious diseases. The era of Preventive Medicine began with Robert Koch’s demonstration of the bacterial cause of anthrax. Many allopaths used science, but did not include the scientific method in their practices. In the 19th century, if a patient was cured, credit was given to the treatment. Therefore, despite the harsh treatments of allopathy, it lasted for so long.

Allopathic practitioners have their own restrictions as they focus on the symptoms, not the causes. The focus is to treat the disease. When someone gets sick, the condition is treated with the help of medicines and surgeries. The last century has seen a tremendous development in allopathic healthcare practices. Despite its drawbacks, in an emergency, such as a fatal accident or mishap, it is allopathic medicine that provides immediate relief. Fractures and related conditions are best treated through the allopathic model. But in cases of allergies, neck pain, hormonal imbalances, eczema, depression, etc., the holistic approach is the best solution. Considering the side effects of allopathic medicine, it is better to understand various alternative medical approaches and choose the best option to cure the ailment.


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