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Health Fitness

Flirty Girl Fitness Dance Workout DVD

So you want an effective dance workout huh? Well, there is one that many women around the world are falling in love with. It’s a program called Flirty Girl Fitness. This is an innovative body makeover system that uses simple and fun dance moves from popular music videos to help you easily shape your body.

It all starts with Flirty Girl’s main slim and trim dance party DVD, which is titled “Booty Beat”. In the ‘Just Teasing’ workout, you introduce a feather boa and use it to increase the intensity of your workout and improve your results.

The ‘Chair Fit’ routine takes any ordinary chair and turns it into your own personal workstation that will build the lean muscle your body needs to burn fat throughout the day, even when you’re not working out.

You might be surprised to learn that club members at physical Flirty Girl Fitness locations like Toronto and Chicago pay over $1,300 each year to enjoy these classes, which are always sold out. However, with the new DVD series anyone can have the same experience as the club members, in the comfort of her own home.

This exercise system is designed to make you feel longer, slimmer, sexier, and even more flexible while doing these easy dance routines. If you have a few minutes every day, you can fit it into your schedule and watch the pounds shed.


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