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Great ideas for winter handyman projects

For some types of handymen, winter is the low season. It’s too cold to do anything, so we sit inside watching TV, wishing there was something to build or fix. But there are actually some great handyman projects that are perfect for the colder months of the year. Here are some things you can do during the winter.

Winter is tree pruning season

The cold months of the year are generally when people call in a handyman to do tree trimming. If you have branches everywhere, this is a good time of year to cut them down because there are no leaves or foliage to deal with. Tree pruning can be done at any time during the season, but it is best done before the first thaw. This depends on where you live, but it will generally be February or March. Once things thaw, the buds will start to sprout quickly.

Clean your gutters and roofs

One of the most important and pain-saving maintenance jobs you can do this winter is cleaning the roof. Now, you don’t want to walk on an icy roof in freezing temperatures, but you don’t have to. Just get your best ladder and place it. Go up and clean everything you can reach, especially the gutters. All those fallen leaves and any other trash will get wet and compacted this spring when everything thaws. Do it during the winter and save yourself the hassle.

It’s cold out there – work inside

Winter is a great time to do indoor projects. Put away all the things you want to do indoors and work on them when it’s cold outside. For example, paint a little, change light fixtures, put in new carpets. These are all the things you can do indoors and they help make the winter months pass. You can even use these cold months to go through things in the garage and cabinets and clean them up.

Kitchen makeover for all those important meals

A good time to renovate your kitchen is when the holidays are approaching. Whether it’s a simple remodel or something bigger like new countertops, you need to get your kitchen in shape. You will cook and eat a lot! The kitchen is full of little projects that you can do to enhance this space for all the good food you are going to eat.

When it starts to thaw, install a platform

The end of the winter season is the time of year when maintenance services really come in handy. Once everything starts to thaw, we are already thinking about the summer months. That is why the second half of winter is when many people decide to install covers. If you already have a deck, this is the time you’ll want to fix it up with the necessary repairs. You will want to prepare it for all the barbecues and pleasant spring nights.

Winter is actually a great time to spruce up your house and yard. Try a few little handyman projects during these months and not only will it get things done, but it will also give you something to do.


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