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How the internet changed the planet

Simply put, the Internet changed everything. Consider for a moment that Google is still just a “Teen“; that 50 years ago, the computer you’re working on now would have been the size of a building; that 20 years from now, it will fit on the top of a pin.

The Internet has revolutionized many industries; take for example the Media. News now surges and spreads like wildfire online, reaching every corner of the world in a matter of minutes.

This rapid transfer of information allows organizations such as Reuters to quickly pick up a story, which is then disseminated around the world by various news networks. The essence of this lies in the fact that the Internet is quite fluid and instantaneous by its very nature.

Traditional media find it difficult to compete as they are usually much slower and always trying to catch up. Therefore, the only viable option is to embrace the Internet and merge it as part of an overall strategy, so that the result is much better customer service.

We’ve seen a huge decline in traditional media…now people watch TV episodes online, listen to live radio online, read newspapers and magazines online, etc.

In it print world: Print circulation is at its lowest levels, while online readership is growing dramatically. There has been a big change, whereby bloggers are now more influential and relevant than perhaps newspaper and magazine editors.

The internet changed the way we look education forever. You no longer have to be physically present in a classroom setting to learn. With online study courses providing material, video tutorials, student forums, real-time access to support, webinars… etc… all our educational needs can now be met from the comfort of our home.

It has completely revolutionized the world of fun. All aspects of this highly lucrative industry, from music, film, television, book publishers to gaming, have had to reevaluate their traditional business model. No more CDs, books and Monopoly, the iPod, Kindle and Wii are here!

Geography, age, income levels are no longer an obstacle. The Internet sees everyone as an equal on the web, regardless of education, age, race, creed, or gender. The internet changed the planet very simply!


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