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How to avoid credit bureau stalling tactics

If you’ve dealt with the credit bureaus, you know they can be very cunning and demanding. Credit bureaus have a process they use to process disputes, and you should follow the rules to get the best results. When you dispute an item or items on your credit report, you may receive several different responses from the credit bureaus.

Typical responses are listed below:

  • We are processing your dispute
  • We received your dispute and are investigating the items you listed.
  • We have finished our investigation and the results are listed below.
  • We are unable to process your dispute because proper verification was not met
  • Provide the forms of identification required to process your dispute

You may receive one of the five answers above as you begin your journey to repair your credit. You must know how to handle the last two losing tactics. Credit bureaus use delaying tactics to buy time and discourage consumers. Imagine if you knew nothing about the process and received a letter from a scary “Credit Bureau”, you can either submit the requested information or feel like they’re going to find out you’re not telling the truth. This type of tactic is very powerful when it comes to consumers, as many will simply give up and continue to feel powerless.

Credit bureaus have the habit of sending a response like the following:

Dear consumer,

We have determined that your dispute is fraudulent. We will not investigate this article again. If you no longer have worries…


Dear consumer,

We have determined that your dispute was not initiated by you and could possibly have been submitted by a credit repair company. It is illegal to use a credit repair company…

How do you get around these stalling tactics? There are 5 items you will need to submit when you are repairing your credit. These items are essential so that the credit bureaus do not block the way.

  1. dispute letter
  2. Copy of your ID
  3. Copy of your Social Security Card
  4. Copy of a recent utility bill
  5. Copy of your recent paycheck stub (delete amounts)

Sending these items will allow you to be more successful. Don’t be intimidated when dealing with the credit bureaus, they are not your friends. As crazy as it sounds, they actually make money from disputes using a highly developed system that is designed not to help the consumer. You have to follow the rules, otherwise you will stop in your tracks and get nowhere. Learn credit repair tactics and you will succeed.


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