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How to become a UK driving instructor in 2019

I have recently been fortunate to meet the owner of a very successful local driving school and was surprised by what he said. Did you know that you can work your own hours, be your own boss, and get paid £ 50,000 a year for being a driving instructor here in the UK?

Me neither!

I honestly thought it was just another job where you worked all the hours God sent and they paid you around £ 25k per year, which is roughly average.

I’m going to summarize this for you now and give you a link for more information at the end of this article, the company is currently hiring as well, so find out if they are hiring in your local area; They are rapidly expanding across the UK, so they are worth a look!

So the first thing you need to do is find a driving school that accepts you as an apprentice and then supports you after you qualify.

The reason for this is that it is too difficult to do it alone if you are just starting out, in theory it COULD, but it is not recommended.

Some schools even reimburse the training costs which is amazing as the average training is in the region of £ 2500 once everything is paid for, the actual exams are cheaper local but you have to consider all the car costs , etc.

So once you have an approved school to back you up, there are three parts to an exam that you will need to meet to become an ADI.

Part 1 – The theory test.

This is similar to a test that people who are learning to drive will have to pass, except this time you have to know your stuff inside and out because you will be the reference guide later on.

Part 2 – A practical driving test

MUST be a great driver! That doesn’t mean you know how to make donuts in the local parking lot because you can control a car, it means that you are a safe and competent driver and you have the ability to influence others to be like you when they do. they are on the way.

Part 3 – Test of instructional ability

This is where the metal hits the road, do you have what it takes? If you just can’t teach other people, this is where you’ll find out, however, this is also the part of the course where you are TEACHED.

Some people are natural teachers and they love to influence other people’s actions to improve and some are too different to be able to have such an effect on other people, this sounds a bit regretful, but in essence, if you are a loner who does not like meet people or if you are too boisterous and often inconsiderate or lack empathy, then you will not be a good instructor.

An ideal instructor enjoys being around other people, has empathy, patience, and the ability to explain things calmly and clearly to other people.

There is so much more to the whole process and you will undoubtedly have a million questions, just follow the link below and you will have all the answers you ever want, who knows you may decide to become an ADI after all!


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