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How to care for hardwood floors

Hardwood floors are a beautiful investment that will add so much more to your home than a polished walking surface. Known for its durability, versatility, and bold colors, hardwood floors have long been a popular addition to homes of many different styles. Solid wood can be expensive, but it should be considered an investment in your home as it will surely increase the resale value of your property.

Hardwood floors are exactly what they sound like, made from hardwood. As such, they will stand up to regular use that softwoods cannot. However, that doesn’t mean they’ll take a beating. They require special maintenance to keep them looking beautiful for years to come, and in fact, with proper care, hardwood floors have been known to last for centuries.

Care to prevent surface stains

Don’t let dirt, dust, or sand sit on the floor for too long. As it builds up, walking on dirt or grit will scratch the surface or dull the shine. Pet hair and other fibers are strong enough to do the same thing. Water spills should be wiped up immediately with a soft cloth or the wood may warp. When moving furniture, use felt pads under pressure points, or lift furniture instead of pushing or pulling to prevent scratches and dents. Also use curtains, blinds, or sheers to diffuse direct sunlight, which can whiten your floors in the long run.

regular maintenance

Maintaining your hardwood floors is easier than you think. There is no need for annual sanding and finishing, although a regular sealing treatment is a good idea. For weekly cleaning, choose a solution made for hardwood floors, not laminate floors. This is very important so as not to damage the surface of the wood or the layer of sealer already in place. For seldom used rooms, a simple dry wipe to remove dust may be enough. A soft towel is ideal for this job; adding a hardwood spray will enhance the shine and add protection.

Special Considerations

Hardwood floors are a nice addition to any home, but they’re still not practical for many home settings. Flooring of this type is not recommended where moisture is a problem, or in rooms with constant humidity. Additionally, households with many pets can struggle to keep floors free of scratches and stains that can result from pet nails, dander, or bathroom accidents. High heels, sneakers, and indoor horseplay can also damage or slightly mar the surface of hardwood floors, so be sure to keep this in mind when deciding what type of flooring is best suited for your home. .


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