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How to sell consumable products and earn more with a small downline?

The network marketing business was started before five decades. Those who want to start their home business can join the network marketing company and start making profit by selling their products. The advantage is that it is not necessary to manufacture a product. You become a distributor of your parent company and start selling their products. You will be paid a commission for every sale you make.

The secret to success behind the network marketing business is the ability to sell products. This can be done by selling the product to more customers and building a great downline. The product you are selling determines both factors.

When you sell a once-for-a-lifetime product, you can’t re-use the same customer to sell the product. With network marketing you will be selling the same product. So the next time you need a sale, you need to reach a different customer.

Think of a situation where you have customers coming back to you periodically to buy the same product. These types of products are called consumable products. The meaning of consumable is that people buy the product, use it, and will buy the same product again. With this, once you sell a product to a customer, you can expect the same customer to buy the product over and over again.

You can build residual income with your existing customer base, and when you attract more and more customers, you are actually expanding your business. Consumable products will attract other distributors and you will have many prospects joining your prospects. Since everyone has the same advantage, you can have endless sales. Of course, the product you are selling must be of good quality and must be reasonably priced.

Household products are good examples of consumable products. Anything from soaps, detergents, shampoos fall into this category. These products are also available in the local market at cheap prices. You have to compete with these products and you have to make your home product stand out from the rest. All these products are needed in every house and people can easily replace the brand they are using with their brand.

Many network marketing companies offer health pills for sale. The world is polluted and many people suffer from various diseases. It is necessary to strengthen the human immune system. Many people are interested in purchasing vitamin supplements and other health pills. But you won’t have a place for these things in every monthly budget.

Many MLM companies also sell health drinks that promise to improve the health of the person who drinks them. When the product has the expected results, you can expect people to store these things in the fridge.

When you sell consumable products, you have the advantage that people will come back to buy them very often. You should choose products that can be sold once a month at a minimum, rather than once in a weak period. If you choose a company that offers highly consumable products to sell, then you can truly become a millionaire with your home business.


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