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Hunting: Solving the Problem

I have been hunting for more than 10 years and I have a great appreciation for animals and the sport itself, that is why I will always defend it. Most people think that hunting is bad for the environment, unsafe for people and inhumane for animals. Actually, hunting is not harmful to the environment and is safe due to the regulations of the law. Also, hunting is humane because hunters target the vital parts of the animal so that they die quickly and with little pain. There are very few unethical hunters and society likes to focus on these people to point out why hunting is bad.

Hunting is a very healthy sport for the environment and actually helps the ecosystem. Hunting is only healthy for the environment when there is an abundance of the animal being hunted. There are very strict regulations established by law and enforced by DNR officers that prevent excessive hunting. For example, hunters have to buy permits for the animal they are going to hunt and with most animals there is a certain number of permits that you can buy. Permit money helps support state wildlife and conservation programs, as well as federal aid in the wildlife restoration program. This law prevents the excessive hunting of animals that can put them in danger of extinction. In fact, when certain species, like deer, become overpopulated, they become very harmful to the environment because they will destroy corn and bean fields. They will also venture into populated areas and become a nuisance. More and more people die each year due to car accidents caused by deer and other large animals. Abolishing hunting will only cause these populations to grow out of control, causing major problems. Eventually, if hunting were to be abolished, the ecosystem could change completely for the worse. This is because humans are the only predator of most animals that are hunted.

People assume that hunting is dangerous because it involves weapons and killing animals. This is completely false due to the DNR. According to the Department of Natural Resources, hunters in Illinois are required to take a hunter safety course that teaches people of all ages how to properly use a gun and bow safely. This class also teaches students how to be an ethical hunter and teaches them how to respect the environment. Also, to use or buy a weapon, you need a FOID card which you can only get if you have taken the course. These laws help keep people safe while hunting because everyone is educated in the use of weapons and bows. Also, all guns that hunters can use have a safety button that prevents the gun from firing. There are only a few accidents a year due to hunting, but that is to be expected when the number of hunters increases each year. It can become unsafe when an area is being hunted by too many people because the risk of an accident is so much higher. Fortunately, most states that allow hunting on public lands have a certain ratio of hunters per acre that makes hunting on public lands safe. Most of the time, hunting is done in trees that can be as high as 20 feet (20 feet) in the air. Because it is dangerous to be so high up, many companies make a safety system that connects to the tree and also to a harness that is worn outside of clothing. This harness makes it much safer in the tree because if you fall off your stand it will catch you, which could save your life. However, wearing this safety harness is not mandatory, so hunters who choose not to wear it are at their own risk. I have always used a safety harness because falling from the top of a tree could easily kill you. Fortunately, I have never fallen out of my tree or needed to wear my safety harness, but it always keeps me at peace knowing that it is impossible for me to fall when I am tied to the tree.

Hunting is one of the oldest activities known to humans and the only sport that has played a vital role in the survival of humans throughout the ages. Every hunter knows where to shoot an animal to kill it in the most humane way. No one likes to see an animal suffer for no good reason, so hunters aim their guns and bows so they can kill it cleanly. There are many shooting ranges that make it safe to see guns in the city. This prevents people from going out into the field and shooting at homemade targets that can be dangerous. For most animals, you need to target the heart and lungs so the animal will die quickly. Once the animal is dead, most hunters take it to a butcher or meat store where they remove all the meat so none of the animal goes to waste. The fur can be sold to stores where nice coats or jackets can be made that are always very warm. Other hunters skin and remove all the meat themselves, which can save money and still not waste anything.

Hunting is the only sport that has allowed the human race to survive thousands of years ago and grow its technology to where it is today. Hunting is as safe as all other sports, it is humane for animals and it is not harmful to the environment if it is regulated. I fully understand why people are against hunting and they mean no disrespect, but I totally disagree with them. I think we will have hundreds more problems if we abolish hunting because the ecosystem will get out of control. As humans, we are part of the ecosystem and I think it is our job to continue to be in control because we have the ability to understand how we can affect our environment.


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