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Increase the width of the penis with Jelqing exercises

Enlarging the size of your penis is a shortcut to enhancing your self pride. Some men may feel a sense of inadequacy with the size of their penis, even though it is larger than the average penis size. Seeing bigger penises of porn stars on TV and beautiful ladies admiring porn stars can make a man feel inadequate.

Penis enlargement methods like pumps, magic pills and extenders are promoted as a quick fix for desperate men. Thousands of dollars have been spent on systems of all kinds that claim to increase the width, length, and strength of the penis. They don’t give much results. Some pills have dangerous ingredients, pumps can cause damage to the penis, and extenders can take time to work.

However, you can find exercises that can be used to increase penis size. They are namely penis stretching and jelqing. Let’s start with the penis stretch.

penis stretching

1. Refine the region with a washcloth submerged in very warm water. Wrap the penis and balls in the facial cloth and allow it to absorb the heat for a period of 30 seconds.

2. Grasp his penis by the back of the head; It should be firm enough that it doesn’t slip out of your hand. Take it to the right, firmly extending the penis. You should not draw it too firm so that it does not cause pain. Keep it pressed for a period of 10 seconds.

3. Pull out the penis in the same way and in the direction of the stomach nerve. Again, don’t pull too hard to avoid pain, but try to pull just enough to feel the extension.

4. Draw the penis organ to the left, extending it in the direction of the pelvis.

5. Extend outgoing; it should extend to move away from your body.

6. Repeat the stretch left, right, forward, and up up to 10 times. Do this exercise when you wake up from sleep and before going to bed. Increase the number of times you do this by five per day. The result will differ in win and win rate.

Jelqing to enlarge the penis

1. Jelqing is a system that supposedly comes from the Middle East. To start jelqing, use the warm face cloth as above. Thin the region and then rub it with a good lubricant.

2. Hold the penile organ with your index finger and thumb as an ‘ok’ sign. Stroke your penis from the base to the head. Continue doing this until you reach a partially erect state.

3. As soon as you are close to the state of erection, push the penis in firmly while hitting the head. Push all the blood that moved into the region as far as it can go without inducing much pain to your penis. Use your hands to hold your penis in an OK sign, holding the blood motionless.

4. Keep sending more blood to the congested region of your penis. Move your hands back a little with each set.

5. You will finally get an erection that is much larger than normal. The extra blood in the penis slips the muscle fibers and widens the veins. As the muscle fibers recover, you will have more space inside them, leading to a bigger erection and penis.


1. Be sure to use a warm face cloth before exercising your penis. It will make that region more flexible and less vulnerable to damage, similar to the adjustments made for other exercises. Make sure you use a good jelq lubricant. Do the exercises every day, many times a day to get the best possible result. You should not get discouraged because the exercises work over time.

2. If you feel pain while doing the exercises, don’t neglect it. With each sharp pain, stop the exercises and take a break. If it doesn’t stop for a while, see a doctor. Don’t jelq without using a lubricant. It can lead to terrible chafing.


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