
We think and build.

Arts Entertainments

Intense muscle building training

This is a variable split workout. Translated… this just means you train a muscle group hard and fast, but the volume (number of sets you perform) is low enough for the body part.

being trained will recover fast enough to return to training in 48 hours.

Example Variable Split: Train arms 3 times a week.

on Monday: 4 supersets (a superset is two or more exercises in a row, then a rest) of dumbbell curls and cable triceps pushups.

This is what it looks like:

Exercise Reps Rest Dumbbell Curl 12 to 15 0-12 seconds Triceps Pushdown 12 to 15 45 seconds

Repeat this cycle 3 more times for a total of 4 sets for each exercise.

Wednesday: 3 drop sets (a drop set is where you perform an exercise to failure and then immediately switch to a lower weight until failure is achieved). each of lying triceps extensions and standing straight bar curls.

This is what this one looks like:

</p> <p>Exercise Repetitions Rest Lying Triceps Extensions 8-12 0-12 seconds Lying Triceps Extensions 8-10 0-12 seconds Lying Triceps Extensions 8-10 90 seconds

Repeat this cycle 1 more time rest 90 seconds and immediately go to:

</p> <p>Exercise Repetitions Rest ez barbell curl 8-12 0-12 seconds ez barbell curl 8-10 0-12 seconds ez barbell curl 8-10 &#8212;&#8212;-

Repeat the above cycle twice.

Friday: 5 straight sets of lower reps and heavier weight.

This is what the last one looks like:

</p> <p>Exercise Repetitions Rest Straight Bar Curl 4-6 60 seconds Straight Bar Curl 4-6 120 seconds Straight Bar Curl 4-6 120 seconds Straight Bar Curl 4-6 120 seconds Straight Bar Curl 4-6 &#8212;- &#8212;

Note: Be sure to take a day off between these workouts so your arms can recover.

Remember, exercise is the stimulus for the results that occur while you rest and nourish yourself.

When you’re done strength training at the right intensity levels, your metabolism will be soaring for 12-17 hours afterward!

Hard cardio doesn’t make you fit… Hard strength training doesn’t make you fit… and good nutrition doesn’t make you tone.

It’s the synergy of ALL the 3 strategies above that rips you off.

Strive for consistency, NOT perfection.

You really can get a flat stomach and ripped abs with 12 minute workouts… but “abs are made in the kitchen.” 🙂

You can do crunches and crunches all day long and still never have a flat stomach or see your abs unless you learn to apply synergy.


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