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Is a DIY fuel efficient car a reality?

There is no doubt that many people are concerned about the high cost of gasoline these days. Most people feel the pinch and look for ways to improve gas mileage without buying a new car.

In response to consumer demands, many products have started to emerge that claim they can increase the fuel efficiency of your car. You may have heard of some of them. They claim that you can easily tune your engine to use water for fuel. Or use biodiesel instead of gasoline.

While the theory behind these techniques is sound, it’s actually quite difficult for the average person to make the necessary changes to make them work. Doing things wrong could end up being a costly mistake.

It would seem, then, that DIY fuel efficient because it is not really possible.

However, there are several things you can do with your car to ensure that it is more fuel efficient. You may not cut your gas costs in half, but you can certainly see an improvement in gas mileage.

First of all, always make sure to perform regular tune-ups. People tend to put this off when there seems to be nothing wrong with their car. But it is vitally important. You may be low on fluid or the air pressure in your tires may be off. Both of these things could decrease fuel efficiency.

A regular tune-up costs less than $100 and makes a big difference in your gas savings and the life of your car.

Whenever possible, try to lighten the load on your car. Heavier cars use more gas, so don’t use your trunk space as a storage container. Instead, bring some of the unnecessary stuff you’ve been carrying home to make your car lighter.

Of course, the thing that saves the most gas in your car is simply not driving. If the car isn’t going anywhere, you’re not using gas. This sounds overly simplistic, but the truth is that if you constantly ask yourself if it’s really necessary to use your car, you’ll find that you don’t need to drive it as often. Instead of stopping at the grocery store every night to buy dinner, for example, plan your meals ahead of time and shop just once.


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