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Is calendula a safe home remedy? How You Can Safely Use Calendula As A Healing Herb And Home Remedy

Calendula, or pot marigold, one of our most popular garden plants, has excellent healing properties. Very often calendula is grown in our gardens just because we love this colorful and cheerful flower. However, this is a plant with some amazing healing properties that we often forget to mention. The Latin name is Calendula officinalis, but it is more commonly known as pot marigold, common marigold, or garden marigold. It is a member of the Asteraceae family and is likely to have originated in southern Europe. It has been a popular plant for so long that its origin has been lost to history.

Healing properties of calendula

We are just beginning to appreciate the healing properties of calendula. It is an herb that is rapidly becoming more popular as an alternative remedy and is now included in many products. Herbalists and doctors alike recommend calendula to treat anything from acne to hard-to-heal sores.

Calendula Treatment of psoriasis and eczema

Calendula ointments and creams have long been used by herbalists as folk remedies for rashes, skin inflammations, and the treatment of delicate skin. It is also known to help treat eczema and psoriasis. As an active ingredient in some hair shampoos, it can be used to treat dandruff and as an effective treatment in the battle against scalp-based eczema.

Calendula as an anti-wrinkle treatment

More recently, calendula has also been added to body lotions and face creams to combat dry skin and as an effective wrinkle treatment. Many diaper rash creams now also contain calendula, as it rarely causes side effects and doesn’t dry out the skin. It is also useful as a cream to apply to sore or cracked nipples during breastfeeding. Calendula is known for its antifungal properties and can help treat thrush in the baby’s mouth, as well as thrush on the mother’s nipple.

Teenage acne and calendula

Teenage acne and the occasional hormonal point of trouble also respond well to the application of calendula ointment. Among its many healing properties, calendula may include antiseptic qualities that are helpful when it comes to treating a variety of skin conditions.

Can calendula be used internally?

Calendula is not as well known for its internal uses. Most commonly, it is now used in mouthwashes, but in the past it has been a popular internal treatment in traditional folk medicine. A tea was made from the flowers, and it was used to treat ulcers, colitis, swollen glands, and pelvic inflammatory conditions. It is now less commonly used as an internal treatment, but calendula is still used by some herbalists to treat a variety of internal health problems, as it is known to have very few side effects.

Calendula-based products can be found in most health food stores, and a calendula cream is a great addition to any first aid kit. It is often used in combination with other healing herbs. More and more products containing calendula extract are being launched as skin care product manufacturers begin to appreciate this herb. This safe and effective yet gentle herb deserves to be better known for its many healing properties.


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