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Is clutter creating obstacle courses in your life?

No doubt about it. Clutter can create obstacle courses in your life. Some of those obstacles are physical, like having to remove items from a chair in order to sit down or having to climb over boxes. Other obstacles are emotional. These can cause a feeling of ‘overwhelm’ in your life, resulting in frustration, shame, stress and restlessness.

Applying good habits and daily routines can combat clutter and hopefully slow down the accumulation of too much stuff. Here are 5 ways to tame clutter.

1. There are no clothes lying on the floor or on the furniture. After dressing for the day, always make it a habit to gather all your clothes and hang or fold them (in a drawer or closet if they are clean) or in the clothes sorter (if you need to wash them).

2. Nothing was left on the bathroom counter. Bathrooms get cluttered fast due to all the products we use every day…from makeup to shampoos. Make sure each product has a home, and be sure to put each item back in its home when you’re done using it. Also, keep products to a minimum. An overload of toiletries and such actually invites clutter.

3. Don’t let the mail sit for more than a day. Go through your mail every day, sorting through it and getting each piece to where it belongs. Recycle garbage immediately. Then get bills in your bill payment system, greeting cards displayed on your mantelpiece, invitations on your fridge (respond as soon as you open them), and the documents you need to a) take action: in your b) action files for reference: filed in your filing cabinet.

4. Don’t let them walk away empty handed. At the end of a meal, make each family member responsible for bringing something, i.e. plate, utensils, glass, etc. to the dishwasher or sink. Better yet, if everyone empties out the leftover food, rinses, and puts the items in the dishwasher or sink, even better!

5. Every time you walk into a room, say goodbye to something. If you have a lot of clutter, when you walk into a room, don’t allow yourself to leave before picking up ONE item and putting it in the charity box or trash can.

Your goal, with clutter, is to remove the obstacles it’s causing in your life… so that your path is clear of clutter, both physically and emotionally. Good everyday clothes help you do just that. Why not start today?


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