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Is it my imagination or does there seem to be a cancer epidemic?

That question seems to be on the minds of many people. Some say that cancer cells are in our body from the day of birth and are not dangerous until they are activated.

If that is the case, what is causing an increase in activation? One of the many theories is diet. It seems that cancer cells love sugar… but not just any sugar. It is the refined sugar found in cereals, chocolate bars, baking products, etc. My God, we are a sugar society!

Another recent theory, published by the Associated Press, was published in the journal Science titled “New Research Says Cancer May Be Caused by Genetic Errors.” They say that the most common cause for this “typo” to occur is environmental factors, such as the body’s DNA being attacked by the world around us along with poor diet, smoking, certain hormones or viruses, as well as invisible reality of UV rays. from the sun and other forms of radiation.

Radiation? Yes! This may explain it: cell phones and other wireless technologies are definitely prevalent! Coincidentally this ties in with another school of thought that is gaining ground. According to the World Health Organization, electromagnetic frequency radio waves emitted by cell phones and other wireless devices have been classified as a probable cause of carcinogens. EMF waves enter the body and affect soft tissue, which can cause cell mutation. With more and more smart technology released to the public, the body is exposed to more EMF radiation than the body can naturally handle. According to Dr. Devra Davis, we are overloaded.

However, all is not lost… scientific research seeks answers. There are currently two companies that are at the forefront of solutions.

1. A company develops innovative nutrition that protects healthy cell division. This nutrition has been classified as adult stem cell nutrition. It’s new, it’s effective, and it’s timely in today’s world. It appears that certain plants, when combined and prepared under a specific scientific protocol, encapsulated and consumed daily, help support healthy cell division, which can prevent a cancer cell from being activated. It is possible that some ingredients in this nutrition may even kill cancer cells once active. Dr. Mira Gadzala PhD. of Stemtech Health Science, Corp. is one of those innovative researchers. Dr. Gadzala is a world-renowned expert in orthomolecular and holistic nutrition, as well as cellular medicine. She is currently involved in formulating nutrition that supports healthy cell division.

2. Protection against EMP radio radiation: Although many scientists are looking for solutions to this EMF problem, there is only one physicist who stands out. Dr. Yury Kronn, doctor and founder of Vital Force Technology. Dr. Kronn has a pattern that will protect the body from EMF radiation that he can infuse into a material object. This item is called D-Fuze. When a person places one of these objects on the back of their cell phones, it repels harmful EMF radio waves away from the body and pushes positive Subtle Energy back into the body. It is interesting to note that Dr. Yury Kronn’s specific D-Fuze coin has been tested and certified by an FCC-approved government SAR laboratory. This test has found the D-Fuze to be extremely effective.


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