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Italian ceramics every day (or why treat the company better than you treat yourself?)

Life is a celebration. We can make sure of that every day.

No, you’re not reading an ethereal “feel good” approach to life. These are practical, everyday touches of celebration. In fact, it’s how to literally touch the celebration in your everyday life.

“It’s not so much what you serve as how you present it.”

I’ll start by telling you what triggered my “ah ha!” moment. About 30 years ago, I chuckled (at first) at a 2 page, 4 color magazine ad that, on the left page, featured a TV dinner (Swanson, I believe) served in its compartmentalized can. Do you remember those? In contrast, on the opposite page, there was the same food, but served in special crockery, accompanied by a beautiful napkin, cutlery, and a glass of wine. The headline read something like, “It’s not so much what you serve as how you present it.”

The more I looked, the more the two images resonated with me. The general message applied to many aspects of my life and left a lasting impression. Today, I still delight in “playing house.” I pour warm syrup into my special rooster pitcher for the breakfast table, prepare dinner elegantly in a preheated serving platter, bring salad to the table in hand-painted bowls, use my silver Reed & Barton every day and my crystal glasses for Pepsi.

Are you treating your guests better than yourself?

Good. Now is your turn. Try this. Go find it in your kitchen or dining room. Select two or three pieces of dinnerware or cookware that you bring just for guests. Put them on a table or counter. If you have a glass-front cabinet or shelves that display specialty items like stemware, serving trays, or a nice coffee set, take a look. Pull out two or three more favorite pieces. Finally, if you have a company-exclusive silver dresser or cutlery drawer, take a look, too.

Now silently ask yourself, “When was the last time I wore any or most of these pieces?” Are you treating your guests better than yourself? Just between us, may I ask you nicely, “If so, why?”

  • Fear of biting them.
  • Irreplaceable if broken.
  • Accident-prone children still living at home.
  • Items require special care.
  • Too much trouble getting them out and putting them back in.
  • Feel a little silly wearing them alone.
  • You feel indulgent.

Hmmm. Stay with that last answer a moment longer. If you are not indulging in these enchanting pleasures, wearing what you have collected and admired, take a moment to imagine how you would feel if you wore them, just for yourself!

Warning: You may see many things differently once you start this practice!

We’re not talking about using all your treasures, and not all the time (yet!). Not even for dinner every night. Instead, consider breaking it up (Oh, what a poor choice of words!) Consider using pieces in rotation: the handmade (Italian) plate tonight, the coffee set on Sunday morning, the decorative tureen for the first hearty winter soup. And if you’re not a cook, you can still serve takeout or leftovers in your favorite handmade (Italian) ceramic bowl. You will certainly know better.

This concept can grow on you! In fact, be prepared to see several things differently once you start this practice! I certainly did… with very exciting results.

Now, I can’t promise you won’t break something. Could you. I broke a precious dinner plate that belonged to mom-mom, my Italian grandmother. (Ah! It is revealed… my favorite celebration is influenced by my Italian heritage!) Did I cry? Bet! However, it would have been more of a “crying embarrassment” if I had allowed that piece to collect dust or collect only my occasional admiring smiles as I passed the closet. Instead, every time I ate from that plate, I could hear mom-mom say, “Mangia! Mangia!” And I still feel her presence and love as I continue to use other pieces of the set.

So think about it. If this is not your practice yet, just choose something for your daily enjoyment. See what happens.

Here’s a toast to your celebration style! Hello!


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