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Juice Concentrate: The Myths, Facts, and Tips

Juice concentrates are widely available and nutritionally identical to regular juice when precisely prepared. However, not all juice concentrates are created equal. Juice concentrates are normally frozen. To make juice concentrate well, just add the amount of water listed on the concentrate instructions label. Such concentrates can be kept frozen longer until consumed, increasing the amount of time the juice will stay fresh after purchase. They’re easy to make, but may be a little less convenient than buying a ready-to-drink juice grind.

Which ones are healthy?

Added sugars that are present in mixed juice drink mixes should be avoided. For this, look for those juice concentrates that often say they are 100% juice on the label. While juice concentrates, which are known as juice drinks and juice cocktails, typically contain added sugar and preservatives.

According to the latest studies, the micronutrient-dense concentrate of many fruits and vegetables has been shown to eliminate the increased risk of chronic disease. The concentrate of fruits like apples, cherries, oranges, papayas, pineapples, tomatoes and much more helps to increase the level of micronutrients. Such juice concentrates decrease the inflammatory load in the body while preventing various diseases such as Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, arthritis, and different heart diseases. Thus, adding fruit concentrates to the usual diet can be very fruitful as well as beneficial for all health. So, if you want to avoid chronic inflammation and other infectious diseases, be sure to take juice concentrates on a regular basis or as suggested by your nutritionist.

Some important benefits:

Nothing is more nutritious than a fresh fruit juice. But once the liquid part of these vital foods is removed, you can ingest and consume up to 99 percent of the food’s value, even if you have poor digestion.

Myths and realities:

Myth: Some people believe that drinking juice daily helps them consume their daily intake of antioxidants and nutrients. Also, it is believed that there is not a big difference between drinking fruit juices and consuming fruits.

Fact: But the fact here is that drinking fruit juice and eating fruit are not the same thing. The reason is that various fruit juices on supermarket shelves are all pasteurized. It just means they contain fewer nutrients. No matter how fresh and healthy the product is, it loses its main nutrients after going through the process. Also, if the product is exposed to air, it will lose its antioxidants within 20 minutes.

Myth: Some think that taking medicine with fruit juices instead of water can be very beneficial since fruits are healthy.

Made: This is definitely wrong, as taking medication along with liquids other than water is terrible! No doubt, fruits are healthy, but taking medicine with fruit juices is a completely different story. As certain fruit juices like grapefruit juice can cause normal doses of drugs to become a toxin, while fruit juices like orange juice can lessen the effects of certain drugs by removing the useful effects of them.


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