
We think and build.

Arts Entertainments

Let’s Build Our Children

Let’s look at the role of children and parents in building the nation.

To build our nation, we must build our children, but we must start by building ourselves. A teacher who isn’t trained or a parent who doesn’t read can’t offer much to a student or child. Therefore, keep abreast of everything that can help your child, our children, to develop.

If you keep your ears close to the media and what is going on, you will know that our children are being abused. When I say abused I don’t mean just verbally and even that is hurtful. When you start saying, ori eo pe (your head is not right), ori eo da (your head is bad), Chineke na k’pogi (God punish you); this is bad and detrimental to a child. All forms of abuse (verbal, sexual, emotional, psychological, and physical) are perpetrated by fathers, mothers, teachers, aunts, uncles, and even peers of our children. Two children, a boy and a girl, from the same parents and a friend came home from school and decided to watch the last video their parents saw before NEPA or PHCN took the light the night before. It turned out to be a pornographic video; unfortunately they didn’t just watch, they decided to practice.

Parents, mentors, guardians, well-meaning teachers, we all need to get to work nurturing these special gifts from God. If we fail them, we have failed God. If a child is not doing well academically or behaviorally, it does not add anything to the child by abusing the child or abusing the child’s parent or even the teacher. Why not decide to take your leave or vacation around the child’s vacation so that he can personally monitor and guide the child? You are your child’s best teacher, mentor, and encourager. If your child is receiving an award and you are not there to cheer him on; the child may believe that winning a prize is nothing and then start doing it wrong.

We, as parents and guardians, have the best interest in children and must ensure that the issue of ensuring children’s rights and protecting children, not just their biological children but all children, in every way of abuse is of paramount importance for the future. of your family, of your generation and indeed of our great nation. In order to have peace now and in the future, you cannot afford to shy away from the issue of neglect, exploitation and child abuse. We all have a side to play in stopping child abuse. Rewriting a future where children are protected from all forms of abuse starts now, and our children must be able to count on us.

Dear children, every day we hear many things; hearing is different from listening. If someone tells you: “You’re a fool, someone offers you all the exams in exchange for stealing your parents’ money and you say no.” Only you can play the fool. What people say about you does not shape you. No one can make you feel inferior or stupid without your permission. By the time you go back to the person and say, “I’ve thought about it and I want to do what you suggested, then you’ve heard it.” As a disciplined student, as someone who builds character for the future, you must learn to listen and not pay attention to things that do not bode well for your future.

Some irresponsible parents have been known to deceive their children. If mom says, “I want you to go play with uncle in the room so he can give us a lot of money” or dad says, “Alcohol mixed with a little marijuana will make you very daring that way you can face any girl or beat up any bully” you know that’s bad advice. Should you listen or not listen? (We must not listen).

If I live with a woman who tells me every day that I have no hope and no future; if she pays my school fees or feeds me, it may be impossible not to listen to her, but it’s important not to listen to her. If your advice comes from Tu Pac or Obesere; your way of thinking will gradually be molded like theirs. If your advice comes from our great singer Onyeka Onwenu who says let there be peace in our hearts, homes, peace in our nation and the world; then you would start to believe that peace is achievable.

Who we listen to shapes the man or woman we become. If you have a father who prays for you and tells you every day, “You will make it, you are destined for success.” Even if you’re not doing very well in school, as long as you keep hearing those positive words that build esteem, you’ll start to believe in your ability to achieve and try harder. Make up your mind to listen only to what will build you up, what will motivate you, what will inspire you; listen to what life will give you. The Good Book says: I set before you today life and death; choose life so you can live.

Children, God has blessed us with beautiful bodies that can be divided into two parts: the public and the private. As children, we need to be careful with those we call friends or family. If your brother’s friend says take off your pants let me touch you something. There is no part of the body that is called something. If he wants to touch your chest, he yells and I’ll tell mom and dad that you wanted to touch my chest. But if you say, don’t touch my something, he will start joking; I’ll play your something Jo and when you tell mom or dad; they will say eyin omo yi sha, something and nothing. Not knowing that by something you mean your chest or even your penis, they will treat it lightly. Yes, it happens to both boys and girls. So Parents, learn to speak directly, not in code, with your children. Teach them about their bodies and encourage them to open up to you.

In Nigeria we celebrate Children’s Day, but every day is for the child because it is what we put into our children every day that makes them patriotic citizens and successful men and women. The articles contained in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the Laws on the Rights of the Child indicate that children must participate in the process of understanding their rights. It is our responsibility as parents, guardians, teachers, and mentors to make sure that we teach them and protect these rights.

Dear boys and girls; all the effort of everyone here and others who could not make it here is to ensure that they represent us well and become true disciplined leaders in the future. Do you think all these people would be disappointed if you go wrong? (waits for response). Therefore, you must determine that your parents or guardians, your teachers and mentors, the government, all stakeholders, especially Nigeria, are proud of you. You must not be involved in any type of abuse, whether it is drug abuse, child-on-child abuse, bullying, intimidation, property abuse; The most important thing is that you must make the decision not to abuse the talents that God has given you and the opportunities that your parents have given you through care and education. You should take advantage of the different programs that are organized for children and young people such as the Change Makers Club, The Boys and Girls Brigade, The Willows Magazine Club, The Young Farmers Club, The Girl Guides, The Boys Scout, The Brownie that are designed for their development. educational, spiritual, physical and emotional. Parents, God will bless you as you continue to love and support these children in their aspirations.

Dear parents, guardians, teachers, and mentors, let us take seriously our responsibility to develop these young people. They are the future, I agree, but they are here now and they must be fully prepared to assume their responsibilities in the future. We don’t need to wait for the special days set aside to show our love and appreciation for these special gifts that the Almighty has blessed us with in his grace. They are natural resources that can be well channeled to obtain the maximum national benefits. Let’s give more in quantity (content) and quality (care) and I trust that our investment will not be in vain. A Yoruba adage goes: “Omo ti a ko ko, lo ma gbe ile ti a ko ta. I doubt even Yoruba children can interpret that because we have decided to relegate our culture to the background.” The proverb in English literally means the child who we refuse to build would sell the house we decided to build.

Let us build up our children and I pray that in doing so they will honor parents, mentors, the school and the nation.


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