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Lord of the Retina (Strong History of Nirut-22,484 BC)

Sneak Peek: The writing of the two-page sketch for “The Lord of the Retina” was a supplement to the story, “The Soldiers of Nirut,” and to present the Complete Stories of Nirut. It tells how Nirut came to Retina, before the battle and the war in SSARG. Now we’ve seen the war and the three stories that led to the war, but how did you get to Retina and acquire it as a launch pad or stage for your warships? In this little sketch, written on the afternoon of Saturday 7/14/2007, on the platform of Sophie’s house, you will now know and discover how it all happened.

(The Story 🙂 In those days before King Nirut went to Retina, the moon that obituates SSARG, his legend preceded him, like his father’s; for his legend grew deeply among the Lords and Kings within the Lihterb planetary system, within the Black Galaxy.

In the House of King Sorle ‘he, (also known as King Angel), who was friends with the late Blue King, now dead, seemed to have acquired a hardened heart towards Nirut. It ruled the entire site of the moon, the east side, as the Great River of Retina divided two kingdoms, as well as a safe zone, being for anyone who cared to live between the two kingdoms, and a large expanding bridge, called The Long Bridge, which touched each side of the ground of each king.

King Nirut sent a messenger (Yahoo!) to ask King Sorle’el for permission to use his land as a launching area for an invasion and occupation (war) that he was planning in a year in SSARG. The King of the Retina did not respond to his messenger, and the old king sent him back to his planet Lihterb.

Sorle the Lesser, as he was known, and prince of the eastern kingdom, was very much in favor of allowing King Nirut to use his kingdom for invasion, knowing that their friendship was valuable and, most likely, if they did not allow it, he it would invade the Eastern Kingdom and leave it in ruins, as it was known. So there were more crickets in the pot than expected.

By not answering Nirut on this matter, it only irritated him, because he knew that he had welcomed the Great Mermaid, who conquered SSARG, long ago, and his mother Jokeleen, why not him? It was a haunting question for him, with no answer. Therefore, he sent his messenger Yahoo, to get a no or a yes, but only to speak to the prince about this matter and make a deal with him, one that would ensure that his kingdom would return to his hands once the war was over. will finish. finished, without incident. And if it was a no, well then he would have to prepare like SSARG would, for war.

Very proud, maybe he was, King Nirut, but at that time he held the title of Emperor of the Black Galaxy, mostly conquered by his father, but he was doing a good job of picking up where he left off and deserved the title, that is, before it is given to anyone else.

And so the word was sent, secretly, to Prince Sorle, to meet Yahoo, at the Tower of Kura, a great tower along the Great River Retina, a port, the King’s military complex. There in the tower they would meet, if the king did not change his mind in due time.

Faithful Marisol

After a year of silence, the King of Retina completely banned the use of his planetoid for King Nirut’s invasion plans, and said openly and publicly that he would punish anyone who helped the king and destroy the spaceships when they landed, coming by Lihterb or Toso.

Immediately after that statement, Yahoo was secretly sent to visit the young prince, to give him an ultimatum. They met in the port city, called Annemor, in the Great Tower of Kura (in time this tower would be duplicated by the pre-Sumerians, from the earth, around 16,000 BC, who would build such a tower on the banks of what now It is called the Black Sea, before the dawn of Atlantis, and be ruled by its capital city. Back then, it was more a valley of sand and browns, and so on. But let me continue with Marisol, because she had a duty to act for her husband, the prince.

The prince was told that five hundred spaceships would soon land on Retina, and if his father hindered a single ship, Nirut would take command of the kingdom and kill everyone in it, this was not to the prince’s liking, so they made a pack, the prince and Yahoo, when he left for the second time, and his advice was hidden until it was time to implement the plan.

Great was the anger for the power in the Prince, and that his father did not listen to reason, for that desire for power, unleashed and with exclusive control to his will, once Nirut left Retina, provoked him to devise a plan of what scarier with Yahoo! .

He would use his wife to become his vessel and servant in this dangerous matter; therefore, at that time he began to prepare.

The day before the ships landed on Retina, he ordered his wife to go see the king in his chambers, because he had looked at her lustfully for a long time, and many times he had flattered her sweet as honey with his tongue, If it hadn’t been for her son, she would have taken it willingly or unwillingly. She had entered his room, dropped her dress to the floor and used her feminist power and secrets to subdue the king, and he did not offer any battle, he could not trust even the greatest of his servants, yet he felt that he could trust her, and desire and happiness were in her heart, and she was cunning, quite skilled apparently, to gain what she would not get by insolence or force, she would do so delicately, and in the process, he would kill the king. , because the prince could not. And it should be noted; She did not become the prince’s wife out of untold riches or worship, but rather out of undisclosed please, deceit and goodness, seeking to chain this man long before he knew it. So she let the old man lean over her and seek her bliss, he couldn’t understand her old language, he was muttering something in an old Retina dialect (‘You are faithful to your husband, I have seen him in the prophecy, the El old seer told me fifty years ago, would you come … ‘) and he took out a poisoned tooth from a snake, hid in a secret place between his body, and during the sexual act, prodded him with it in the side, but went to lightly, and she doubted it wasn’t deep enough, but he fell dead to the side.

Sorle the Lesser entered, proclaimed that the king had died of a heart attack while making love with one of his many mistresses, it was all, apparently too simple, according to Marisol. And the next day, the ships landed and King Nirut was greeted with a variety of gifts and the kingdom’s elite. And now King Sorle II, praised his wife, but she was afraid of this murder and told the king that the tooth had only punctured the king’s skin. They put him to rest in a large tomb inside, and deep in the ground, in a kind of mausoleum, the coffin was made of marble.

Death awakens

In the next two days, a change occurred in the land, and the hearts of the Retinaions, they loved King Nirut, he was a hero to many, but the new King, King Sorle II was controversial among his own kind.

Ships came down one by one, camps were made, tents were set up, food supply lines were set up. The enemies of SSARG and the desert rebels in SSARG were calculated according to the risk factor. During these first days, Nirut tried to humiliate himself with the people of the city, the castle staff, he preferred a quiet relationship with the Retinaions if possible, something else he knew his father told him, ‘… before the war, constrain, keep your thoughts secret, welcome it to others, use what you want, not what they want. Holding everyone hostage, even if they don’t know it. In fact, he learned a lot in a short time.

He is the one whose name is not pronounced now, the King in the tomb, the mausoleum, this now concerns him, advancing his name, I must add Marisol, because she got up and disappeared one day. The Prince never knew why, but King Nirut did, and here it is from the King’s own diary:

“I had asked my seer, where was Marisol? Because we were all looking for her, and I went to find out, and she was where my seer said she would be, but first let me explain:

“The old King of Retina awoke in his tomb, made of marble, about fifty feet below the ground of Retina, in a sold granite mausoleum, in a marble coffin. He woke up in the faceless darkness of his village. In his castle, he was fired for being dead. But it wasn’t. The poison paralyzed her body, slowed her heartbeat, and this was her third day. He had been awake for a day, and his mind was not so good before his death and burial, now it was even worse, he was going insane. However, he had prepared for this, as he had searched for his own sears fifty years before of this, and with a strong kick to the back of the grave. , it was opened, because he had made the tomb twenty years before, with this in mind.

Very soon he stood up and crawled back to the Kingdom, like a ghost, and the few guards who saw him, rubbed their eyes in dismay and recoiled thinking that he was just that, a ghost. in Queen Marisol’s bedroom, and the old king picked up the queen, disguised her with a bedding and carried her back to the mausoleum, in the process he sedated her, slightly, so that she would respond, but she was not yet fragile to to struggle.

What followed was gruesome. He had had a second coffin made, of wood, with nails, a hundred of them extended through the wood and out the other side. And he laid her down, and he with her, and dropped the wooden lid on her. And with a tug of a rope, the ceiling collapsed on the coffin, not enough to pierce it, because there was marble on top. And when Marisol awoke, in the darkness of the wick, the torment began. If it moved up, the nails were there. “Sacrifice,” said the old king, leaning back beside her, laughing, “We are the sacrifice for King Nirut.” He lit a candle, which was no more than an inch long, but he wanted to look her in the face, and death was upon her. He commented: ‘The plot was always against both of us, I saw it a long time ago. Poison won’t kill you, but these next bitter days will, and you see, my dear, power breeds loathing, that’s how it is. (And blew out the candle) “‘.


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