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Minute Thieves: 3 Practical Tips to Help You Control Your Time

Your life is fulfilling, happy and successful. Or do you have concrete dreams and plans in your heart to definitely arrive. However, one thing eludes you: this grumpy little critter called time! You can’t seem to control it, and your days quickly lose hours and minutes. Before you know it, you’re in bed to sleep, with another long to-do list for tomorrow and feeling frustrated that you can’t get important tasks done.

Its average year is made up of 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds, according to Wiki Answers. There are about 525,948,766 minutes in each year.

How many of these minutes of your life are you wasting on unimportant tasks? What are the minute thieves in your life? Three actionable tips to help you stay on top of your time are to prioritize, maximize, and upgrade.

Prioritize.Sometimes we think that the best way to get things done is to do the biggest and most time consuming projects first. A much more effective plan is to do the most pressing task first, even if it’s just sending Dad a Father’s Day eCard before we forget, or checking our balance online before writing that check or withdrawing money to pay. accounts. What is the most important thing on your mind? You certainly shouldn’t put your child’s birthday on the back burner until next week, if it’s today.

Write it! Write down all your goals and tasks for this week, assigning an importance value to each one, using ABC or numbers. God must be first because He is the one who has given us all our days!

Think in terms of the 80/20 principle. Tim Ferris de’The 4 hour work week credited Joseph M. Juran’s Pareto Principle for improving his business and personal life. He looked at his life based on two questions: What 20% of the sources are causing 80% of my problems and unhappiness? What 20% of the sources are resulting in 80% of my desired results and happiness?

Eliminate what bothers you. Focus on what works for you and helps you achieve your dreams.

As I write down my goals, I write down activities, meetings, birthdays, anniversaries, and appointments in my planner calendar. I have a calendar in our kitchen, one in my portable black planner, and a smaller calendar that fits inside my bag. Once a week I use the one in my kitchen to complete these other planners/calendars. Sometimes I use my cell phone notepad with the alarm clock to remind myself of important tasks. Organization is key to prioritizing your days, and procrastination is one of your biggest enemies.

Know what is absolutely necessary to do that day, and then do it as soon as possible. You won’t do everything on your list. We all have limited time. Just do what matters most to you, like spending time with God, doing your regular job duties, spending time with family and friends, and taking care of your body by eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep.

Less important activities, such as car detailing or attending a political dinner, may need to be eliminated. Learn the power of pruning. If you have too much on your plate, you won’t be able to do everything you do with excellence and you’ll experience burnout. Do what matters most!

Pray and ask God to show you His will for your life, and He directs your path. Jesus did not try to do everything and help everyone. He set boundaries with people, sometimes walking away from them entirely, and focused on his priorities. He only did what the Father told him to do. We should do the same.

Maximize.Increase your productivity by maximizing your potential. Discover your gifts, talents, abilities, and most of all, your passions. Do what you love to do. Passion is the fuel for your success. Why waste time doing something you hate? Life is too short not to love it.

You also maximize your efficiency by taking care of yourself first. That may sound very selfish, but your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. You cannot do anything or go anywhere without your physical body. Take time to be with friends and family, relax, have fun, and laugh. Laughter is good medicine for the soul. You can’t work all the time without playing, or you will be physically exhausted or experience an emotional breakdown.

If you’re hitting a wall and you’re frustrated with your work, have a headache, or are suddenly tired, get up and go for a walk. Feel the sunlight on your face and get some fresh air. You may even need to save it until tomorrow or next week. By then you will have a new perspective.

Take a relaxing hot bubble bath and read something light and positive before bed for a good night’s rest. These things will go a long way in increasing your productivity.

Eliminate time wasters like surfing the web, talking for a long time on the phone, or reading all those emails. If you use social media for business like Twitter, Facebook, or blogging, set a specific time to be on it and then get off. Don’t get sucked into the black hole of your friends’ Facebook photos or reading blogs. These things will eat up your time quickly.

Maximize your productivity by cultivating intimacy in your important relationships. When your relationships are close and healthy, you will be free of tension and guilt, and then you will have no obstacles to reaching your goals. Your conscience will be clear and you will feel happier and more alert to do your necessary work.

Surround yourself with people who are successful in your goal areas. You want to be teachable and learn from those who have achieved what you want. Find them and listen to them. Ask for advice. Study to show yourself approved.

Finding people to disciple, advise, correct, and encourage you will multiply your effectiveness. Iron sharpens iron, and you want the people in your life to speak to help you get to that higher level. Don’t get stuck where you are being stubborn, lazy, and unteachable. Learn to accept constructive criticism and it will go a long way in helping you achieve your goals.

Prune what needs to be removed from your life. Get rid of any spiritual or emotional obstacles in your life, such as unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger. These emotions can wear you down and make you unable to focus on the important tasks at hand. Free yourself from the sin that so easily entangles you, and then you can run this race freely to do all that God wants you to do and be.

Focus on your personal growth, improving in every area of ​​your life: marriage, parenting, friendships, work, ministry, education, character, and integrity. Work on yourself and your relationships, and you won’t go wrong.

Update.Abraham Maslow believed that self-actualization occurred when a person achieved what he was ready for, what he was supposed to do in life. He said that with self-actualization there are “feelings of limitless horizons that open up to vision.”

When you have established and achieved your most important priorities, and discovered and used your gifts and abilities to maximize your potential, then you can achieve your dreams and goals for success. You’ll have a sense of purpose when you wake up in the morning, and you’ll be able to focus on the people and things that really matter.

Other people’s opinions about what you should or shouldn’t do won’t matter. You will know God’s seal of approval on your life. You will feel his satisfaction, because you have sought him to ask his will for you and to guide your steps each day. You are seeing your dreams come true, a little more each day, and soon you will reach the top of the mountain of success because you have persevered.

You will no longer waste time or let the minutes of your days run out, because you are focused. Your family, friends, and those around you will know the benefit of your careful time and attention to them, because you have placed primary importance on your relationships and not on material things first.

You have searched within your heart for negative emotions such as unforgiveness, jealousy, pride, and resentment, and you have asked God for forgiveness and to cleanse you of these areas of sin, so that you can walk free to do what you were. called to do for His fame.

Keep learning every day in the school of life. Dare to dream the biggest and wildest dreams. Don’t let the limited thinking of others get to you, but be an inspiration to others.

Do not be content with mediocrity, but do everything with excellence for the glory of God. We only use 10% of our mental power. He begins to fill those other empty drawers with knowledge. Read good and positive books. Write down his goals and vision for life, and then do it. Without a vision, people perish.

Everyone has stories inside of them. Listen to their stories, their pain, their successes, and learn all you can from others. And start influencing others with your life, through skillful management of your time and resources. You will have something wonderful to offer to others: hope and encouragement, and above all, the love of God.

As you begin to achieve your goals by prioritizing, maximizing your potential and actualizing your goals, your life will shine in such a way that you will be a magnet for others, because Christ is in you, drawing them to Him. You will stop wasting time and start live for real The little foxes who like to watch too much television, or spend too much time on the net, will no longer be stealers of minutes in your life. Instead, your days will be filled with joyful expectation, and your life will bear great and abundant fruit for God.

You will be living, and not just surviving from day to day. By prioritizing, maximizing, and actualizing, you will have a life filled with the generosity of helping others and seeing your dreams and goals of success come true.


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