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Never give up on your dreams, no matter what

No matter what the rest of the world says, you should never give up on your dreams. In your young years, you have so many goals and you feel that anything is possible. However, as you get older, most of those dreams fade away. However, if you give up, you end up living an unfulfilled life full of regrets.

Think you don’t have what it takes? Perhaps you believe that your vision is impossible to realize? Why should you think that? Did you take a shot and miss before? Did someone tell you it wasn’t possible? Are the odds too high?

Well, no matter what your age, situation, or difficulty, you should never give up on your dreams. Maybe friends, family or people around you told you that you should stop making a fool of yourself. Doubt steps in and fear begins to take over. And yes, it may seem unpromising, but is that why you should put your dreams aside?

Nothing is more common than talented unsuccessful people. You must know that determination and persistence are divine powers. Nothing in this world can stop you if you have these two attributes. Like education, talent, and mastery, they can be learned and applied if you have the real desire to go after what you want.

And yes, there are times in your life when the challenges seem overwhelming. You’ve been hurt by a few successive setbacks and obstacles, and you feel like throwing in the towel. But know that there are people out there who do, in fact, endure, persist, and overcome challenges to achieve their dreams. They have learned to do it in silence, step by step, day by day. They are patient, and no matter how long it takes, they will not give up on their dreams.

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” – Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Dreams like marathon instead of sprint

You don’t usually hear the stories of people before they become famous. Most people choose to give up their desires at the very moment they face an obstacle or two. Is it crazy to think so? Of course it is. It’s even stupid! But how could I judge? I’m not judging; I am fact affirmative.

To make a long story short, imagine that you decide that you want to go see a relative. So you prepare some things because that family lives four hundred miles from where you live. Then you get in your car and start driving. You get through the first hundred miles, and then another, and another, but suddenly when you’re only a hundred miles away, you get discouraged. So you decide, right then and there, just because you haven’t reached the destination yet, to give up and go home.

You understand. You should not give up on your dreams because the success you are hoping for could happen tomorrow, in a week, a month, or even a year. You invest in yourself, you put in all that hard work, so trust me, you are special and it will pay off in the long run. Realize that you are running a marathon even though you think it is a sprint.

The need to never give up on your dreams

Often many of us think that it is a fast race. Countless people say that they want to achieve great things. They have the desire to change the world. But then whenever they face dire circumstances, challenges, barriers, or even failure, they get demotivated and most of them give up on their dreams.

You have to stop and think that the journey is worth more your time than the destination. It is the best tactic to stick with and never give up on your dreams, goals, longings and longings. You have to keep going when things get hard and slow, and you will.

Of course, on the other hand, some people think they’re failures and give up on their wishes early on. They do not leave their comfort zone and prefer to procrastinate every day. What goes through your head on a daily basis? one might wonder.

Wait a minute! In fact, they dream and wish, but they are too busy going out, drinking, partying, hanging out with friends, watching TV, or seeking attention. They are even so busy that they forgot about themselves and the need to improve. So they come up with various excuses and then say that the world is against them.

The options to give in or never give up

Most people get too used to being lazy. They have no problem doing the things that are easy and fun, but when it comes to the difficult and demanding ones, they run. Therefore, you are left with two options.

give in and regret

You have to realize how incredibly easy it is for you, me, or anyone else to form useless and harmful habits. But when the need to develop positive habits comes into play, such as the concept of never giving up on your dreams or anything important, it takes you a much longer period.

These extra efforts make you wonder if you should stay away because these conditions make you quite uncomfortable and you don’t want that. Who could? You could just wait and see what the future brings. You may be lucky and you can cheat life once again.

You have nothing to lose, right? Nothing, except your life, your time and maybe your happiness. But that is not a waste. So at the end, when you look back on your life and see how much you have accomplished and the regrets you will have, you wish you had never given up on your dreams.

never give up on your dreams

Realize that time passes with you without you. If you think your dreams will take too long, you may be in the same place you are now, wondering if you should start. Of course, starting such a journey can take days, months, and even years, but don’t let that stop you from taking the first step. It may seem impossible at first, but if you don’t start now, you’ll never make it.

Many stories abound about people who never gave up on their dreams and defied all odds at all ages. If you think you are too young or too old, it does not mean that you can or cannot do something. It all starts in your mind. No matter what, never give up on your dreams and don’t let your age get in the way of pursuing your desires.

Consider the author of this post who started a new career at age 50. You can also think of Sylvester Stallone, who created the “Rocky” movies. The idea of ​​him was rejected countless times before someone finally offered him a chance. And in the end, the determination paid off.

The reason to never give up on your dreams

The reason why you should never give up on your dreams is that you, me and everyone else have something that makes us all unique. You have particular knowledge and talents. So stop comparing yourself to others and focus your attention on all the things you have but throw away.

The line to success is never straight but unconventional. Besides the process is hitting bumps in the road that look like walls, making mistakes because if you don’t, you’re not trying. Throughout history, numerous well-known figures have failed time and time again.

Therefore, you never know what can happen. Doubt and fear are the biggest dream killers. What happens if you fail? But what if you get it? Isn’t that reason enough to never give up on your dreams?

Our body and mind have been connected in such a way, for thousands of years, that it is always easier to imagine the worst. Have you ever thought that maybe the opposite could be true? Why should you let anything stop you from trying? You have the right to become the best version of yourself. So, never give up on your dreams!

Tips to not let go of what you want

  • Never give up your precious dreams, because one day you will fulfill them.

  • Strive to take the necessary action steps in that direction.

  • Get motivated and inspired by people who never stop trying like Edison or Lincoln.

  • Stay focused and you will eventually achieve your dreams.

  • Believe in yourself, work for it and never give up on your dreams.

  • Avoid negative influences that sow seeds of doubt.

  • See failures as lessons, as opportunities to grow, improve, and master.

  • The harder it is, the more it will be worth when you do it.

  • Avoid the fear of hard work and go for it.

  • Realize that the only person standing in your way is you.

  • Choose not to listen to people who tell you that you can’t do it or that it’s impossible.

  • Prove non-believers wrong by not giving them the satisfaction of seeing you give up on your dreams.

a final thought

My father always said, over and over again, that my chances of success would end up being a big zero. Of course, he pushed me further and strengthened my drive to achieve it. I can’t help but wonder how he would have felt if he had seen me today. I am grateful to those who doubted me because I eventually proved them wrong.

You can achieve great things, but you should never give up on your dreams. You must commit to your goals, your desires and what you believe in. Let go of your beliefs about what you can and cannot do. Every day is a new opportunity for you to start, make new decisions, learn new things, meet new people and improve yourself.

Just imagine being able to rejoice with your loved ones, family and friends who have been there for you since the beginning of your struggles. Think about the feeling of pleasure you will have. When you cross the finish line knowing that you achieved your goal because you decided to never give up what you wanted, it will give you an indescribable feeling of victory. Now, go ahead and never give up on your dreams, no matter what, because success is yours.


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