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Nothing to sneeze

Sniffing, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, no it’s not a commercial for your favorite cold medicine, it’s your life, if you’re allergic to cats, sure. But just because you’re allergic to those furry felines doesn’t mean you can’t have one of your own. You just have to find ways to cope.

For starters, you can find a breed that sheds less hair and produces less dander, such as the Sphynx (a “hairless” cat with a fine, soft fluff like hair), Cornish Rex, or Devon Rex. They all have fur, but according to The Cat Fancier’s Association, many people who are typically allergic to cats can tolerate these breeds better than others.

If you are not lucky enough to find one of these thoroughbreds, there are still a few steps you can take to become a loving, albeit allergic, cat owner.

According to PETCO.com, you can alleviate your symptoms by doing the following:

o Wash your hands after playing and NEVER touch your face after touching your cat. o Do not allow your cat to enter your room; if you do, you are sure to take a nap in your bed, spreading allergy-causing hair and dander. o Also use HEPA air filters and a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. o Leave your cat’s weekly (or daily) grooming to a family member who is not allergic. And if the cat allows it, bathe it once a week. o Two or more cats may seem like a little pride in your household, but more cats mean more allergens, so make yours a one-cat family.

Until you become less allergic or find the best way for you and your cat to coexist peacefully and healthily, make sure you have treatments on hand to help you get through the tough times. If over-the-counter medications or all-natural treatments don’t work, ask your doctor; I’m sure you will have something up your sleeve that will help relieve colds, sneezes, coughs …


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