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Oprah & Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth – Overcoming Sickness and Pain, Cultivating Wellness and Healing

During Oprah and Eckhart Tolle’s online class, they discussed Chapter 2 of Eckhart’s book A New Earth. Someone from Maui, Hawaii called to ask how she could overcome his health problem and fight lupus.

Eckhart said: “The most important thing is the awareness of identification” with the disease. Once awareness has risen, “now create space between yourself and the disease.”

Many times, without realizing it, we begin to identify with our condition and appropriate it by creating a false identity. The subconscious motivations for doing so can vary and differ. However, recovering your inner identity and disassociating yourself from the disease is the first step to get rid of it and cure it.

The first way you can start to disengage from illness and disease is to not talk about it. Eckhart told the person he called from Maui: “The more you talk about it…the more you keep that process going…refrain from thinking of yourself as a sick person…and focus your attention on wellness.”

As someone who practices divine healing and manifests miracles through prayer, I would go a step further and say beyond dissociation whenever the thought of illness comes to mind, verbally curse it and command it to die.

Jesus cursed the fig tree that did not bear fruit. Christ’s disciple Peter said, “Master, behold, the fig tree that you cursed has withered” (Mark 11:21). Truly “death and life are in the power of the tongue, and we who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21).

Eckhart wisely commented: “If the mind starts complaining about having physical pain, you have two levels of pain: you have psychological pain and physical pain… You don’t create psychological pain on top of physical pain.”

Eckhart encouraged the precious lady to “see wellness all around her in nature. Nature is the very embodiment of wellness.”

Oprah, looking forward to her upcoming trip to Hawaii, happily told the caller, “Lots of opportunities to do that in Maui.”

Thus, disease can be overcome, well-being can be cultivated, and health initiated through appropriate thoughts and words. Incorporate these life-enhancing spiritual truths with a welcome to divine intervention, and you are sure to experience a miraculous supernatural deliverance that restores health and peace.


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