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Organize your bathroom in 8 easy steps

The most hated room in our houses to clean or declutter is the bathroom. Once you have some ideas of what you need to do and a plan, it really isn’t that hard to do and it shouldn’t take that long either. In most households, the mere mention of cleaning the bathroom is considered the most dreaded task in any household.

If you have promised or challenged yourself to declutter your home, the bathroom needs to be done too. So get to work, do it first and finish that task and check it off your list as “done”.

Now the 8 easy steps to declutter the bathroom:

1. Clear the medicine cabinet of all medications. Check expiration dates and properly dispose of those that are old and past their expiration date. Check with your local pharmacy or hospital in your area to see if they have a program to accept expired medications for disposal. Health officials have warned that flushing medications down the toilet is not the proper way to dispose of them. Also be sure to remove labels from bottles that have names, addresses and personal information and shred them. If you have children in the house, make sure the medicines you store have child-resistant caps.

2. Clean out any other items in your medicine cabinet. You will be surprised what you will find there. Sort through and decide what you’re keeping and what you’re throwing away. If it’s an over-the-counter medicine or ointment, check how to dispose of it properly. Take the necessary precautions for over-the-counter medications if you have children in the house.

3. Under the sink, take everything out and start sorting. If you have duplicates of some things, like shampoo, conditioner, hand lotions, and liquid soap, combine them in one bottle or container and throw away the empty containers. Small plastic containers or boxes are a great way to keep these items in one place.

4. First aid supplies. Check and make sure you have all the supplies found in a basic first aid kit; antiseptic, gauze pads, scissors, duct tape, Ace bandage, instant cold pack, latex gloves, Band-Aids, tweezers, and sting and bite treatments. If your first aid kit is missing any of these items, be sure to replace them. Keep them all together in one container or buy a first aid kit with the necessary items already stocked.

5. Makeup and cosmetics. It’s a good idea to go through your makeup and cosmetic supplies at least every 6 months and toss out anything you haven’t used in that time frame. Mascara, especially, should be replaced every few months to prevent eye infections.

6. Perfumes and colognes. They have a shelf life of 3-5 years if stored properly and should be thrown away if you notice a different odor. Although perfumes and colognes do not “spoil”, the older they are, the scent and color will change.

7. Bedding and towels. Sort through all of your sheets and pillowcases, bath towels, hand towels, and wash cloths. Match all your sheets and pillowcases and get rid of the ones that don’t match. Do the same with your towels and washcloths. You may not have matches or sets of these, but check and check for wear and holes and throw them away. If any of the items are still in good condition, donate them to a shelter or thrift store.

8. Hair accessories. If you haven’t been able to resist buying every new hair tie, clip, bow, band, or even hair dryer or curling iron, then you need to get a grip on the situation. Decide which of the items you use the most and which you have never used or probably will never use and throw them away. Again, if they are usable and in good condition, donate them.


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